How to Use this Website


Reference: 220SQN-WebsiteManual

Please read this document in its entirety as it contains important information and instructions on how to use and make the most of our new website.


This page contains information regarding weekly parade times and the location of the Squadron. You can also find a contact number and an email address for the Administration Officer.


(New Process)

The Squadron has a new protocol for submitting leave applications from weekly parade nights.

The preferred method to submit leave is through the form on the website (explained below), however leave can still be submitted via email if need be.


Navigate to the website → Click on [SUBMIT LEAVE] → Fill out the web form → Click [Submit]

Make sure that you follow all of the directions in the form so that we are able to process your leave application.

Leave must be submitted by 1700hrs (5pm) on Mondays for it to be valid.

You must also have a valid reason for requiring leave, i.e. Academic Reasons, Sickness, etc.

If you do not show up to a parade night, and have not submitted leave, you will be marked as absent on CadetOne.

If you are marked as absent too often, you will need to have an intervention with the Commanding Officer where he will discuss your options.

The best policy is to ensure you have submitted leave early and correctly.

PLEASE NOTE: Leave must be submitted by the cadets only, as it is their responsibility, not the responsibility of parents/guardians.


If you click on the resources link, it will take you to a page which will link you to all of the other AAFC resources that you will need. These resources are: CadetOne, C-Log, CadetNet Portal, and the AAFC National Website.


Situated underneath the resources tab is the link to the Squadron Files page. This page contains the Google Drive containing cadet resources such as documents and teaching materials. The Google Drive for cadets is updated often with the most recent versions of powerpoints and manuals as they are made available.

All cadets are provided with access to the powerpoints and manuals for each of their lessons to be used for revision when working on their workbooks, or in preparation for exams.


The mess committee this year will be selling various hot foods throughout the year to raise money for new equipment for the Squadron. Any forms that are required for the Mess Committee will be made available when required under this tab. If the tab is not present, there is not currently any offers available.


The website is completely open to feedback and addition of pages and material if needed. The same applies to the Google Drive, which is moderated by the WEBMASTER. If you have anything that needs to be added to the Website or Drive, please do not hesitate to contact the WEBMASTER about this. Similarly, if you have any feedback please share it.


If you are having trouble navigating the website or finding resources, please refer to this guide first. If you still cannot figure it out, please either send a message with your contact details to the webmaster, or the Official 220SQN facebook page (

If you notice that the website is down or inaccessible, please send an email to the webmaster immediately with your contact details and a description of the issue.


Thank you for taking your time to read this document and learn about this fantastic new resource that the Squadron has been able to create. You should now be able to successfully use the website, access materials as required, and submit leave applications.

Anything regarding the website or the Google Drive should be directed to: