20th Taiwan

Geometry Symposium

Saturday, November 7

10:30 - 11:00


11:00 - 12:00

Siao-Hao Guo 郭孝豪

Title: Extension of two-dimensional mean curvature flow with free boundary

Abstract: In this talk we will consider the mean curvature flow that meets a barrier surface orthogonally. The main result is that the flow can be extended provided that its mean curvature and perimeter stay uniformly bounded.

12:00 - 14:00

Lunch break

14:00 - 15:00

Jesse Madnick

Title: Associative Submanifolds of the Berger Space

Abstract: The Berger space B^7 = SO(5)/SO(3) is a rational homology 7-sphere that admits an (essentially unique) homogeneous metric of positive sectional curvature. In fact, this metric arises naturally in the theory of special holonomy: it is induced from a homogeneous nearly-parallel G2-structure on B, and its metric cone X^8 = Cone(B) was the first explicit example of an 8-manifold with Spin(7) holonomy. In this talk (joint work with Gavin Ball), we construct the first complete examples of associative 3-folds in B, a class of 3-dimensional minimal submanifolds that are expected to play a role in G2-geometry analogous to that of pseudo-holomorphic curves in symplectic geometry. Our examples are circle bundles over genus g surfaces for every g ≥ 0, thus providing infinitely many topological types of compact associative 3-folds in B.

15:00 - 15:30

Tea break

15:30 - 16:30

I-Hsun Tsai 蔡宜洵

Title: Index theorems of transversal type

Abstract: This is based on a joint work with J.-H.Cheng (鄭日新) and C.-Y. Hsiao (蕭欽玉). I will start out by describing M. Atiyah's formulation of index theorems for transversally elliptic operators. One trouble here is that both kernel and cokernel are infinite dimensional. Then I will go to our m-th index version for CR manifolds, which does not seem to appear in Atiyah's discussions. Finally, a comparison with Atiyah's work is made. If time remains, I may mention the recent complex manifold case, done also jointly with both authors above.

16:30 - 16:40


16:40 - 17:10

forum (and MOST orientation)


Symposium Banquet (The expense will be covered by NCTS)

Place: 豐盛食堂

Address: 台北市大安區麗水街1之3號

Sunday, November 8 (hold at Astro-Math 440)

10:15 - 10:45

Wei-Ting Kao 高尉庭

Title: The variation formula of the p-mass on three dimensional compact CR manifolds embedded in C^{2}

Abstract: In recent years, Cheng, Malchiodi and Yang defined the pseudohermitian mass (abbreviated p-mass) for three dimensional asymptotically flat CR manifolds and proved a positive mass theorem for such CR manifolds. Similarly as in the Riemannian case, the p-mass of a certain blow-up of a compact CR 3-manifold is the first nontrivial coefficient in the expansion of the Green function of its CR conformal Laplacian. We study a family of compact CR 3-manifolds embedded in C^{2} , described by the level sets of a defining function, and derive the variation formula of the p-mass for this deformation. To obtain this result, we generalize the ambient Graham-Lee connection to the one for arbitrary contact form and obtain the conformal transformation law in this extended theory.

10:45 - 11:00

Tea break

11:00 - 11:30

Trần Thế Dũng 陳世勇

Title: Evolution of elasticae with free boundaries.

Abstract: In this report I investigate the $L^2$-flow of elastic curves in the case the angles between unit tangential and $x$-axis are fixed but non equal to zero, fixed area and free boundary conditions in 2-dimensional Euclidean spaces. Global existence of $C^{\infty}$-smooth solutions together with subconvergence to critical points is proved.

11:45 - 12:15

Discussion and Lunch

9:30 - 14:30

Students sessions and hiking

台北大縱走第七段 which is the trail in 貓空. The trail be like

Start from 動物園站 =>指南宮 => stop by an organic tea shop => 茶展中心步道 => 貓空 =>樟樹步道=> 動物園站 [map]

The lunch and discussion will take place in 紅木屋休閒茶館.

Speakers of student sessions: 高尉庭 (NTU) and 陳世勇 (NTNU), each will give a 30-minutes talk.