20th Taiwan

Geometry Symposium


About Taiwan Geometry Symposium: The purpose of the Taiwan Geometry Symposium is to foster discussions and interactions within the geometry community in Taiwan. It hopes to meet regularly in the years to come, running on a Saturday from late morning to late afternoon, with 3-4 speakers.

The activity will rotate among Taipei, Hsin-Chu and Tainan. We encourage everyone who is interested in Geometry, and particularly students, postdoctoral fellows and young scholars to participate in the Symposium. This semester's symposium will be held at NCTS/National Taiwan University on November 7th-8th, 2020.

This time, we will have hiking on the second day, with short sessions given by the students.

Location of the Symposium: R515, Cosmology Building, NTU (Next to the Dept. of Math, Astro-Math Building)

The information of past meetings can be found here: link.

Click the button to register. Please register by October 29th, 2020.

Speakers on November 7

  • Siao-Hao Guo 郭孝豪, National Taiwan University

  • Jesse Madnick, National Center for Theoretical Sciences

  • I-Hsun Tsai 蔡宜洵, National Taiwan University

Speakers of Student Sessions on November 8

  • Wei-Ting Kao 高尉庭, National Taiwan University

  • Trần Thế Dũng 陳世勇, National Taiwan Normal University

Organizing Committee

  • River Chiang 江孟蓉, National Cheng Kung University

  • Nan-Kuo Ho 何南國, National Tsing Hua University

  • Chung-Jun Tsai 蔡忠潤, National Taiwan University

  • Mao-Pei Tsui 崔茂培, National Taiwan University

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