Mr.WHS Is Back!

Meet the contestants!!

NOTE: The biographies below were directly submitted by the contestants and no changes were made

Silas Powell

10th Grade

I’m the sophomore class secretary, and I’m on the cross country, track, and swim team. I like burritos, birds, and doing my work at the last minute. My parents appreciate two out of the three.

Zeke Walker

10th Grade

You name it, I’ll do it. Anything. I’m serious. Dead Serious. 

Mitch Jasper

10th Grade

Mitch is my name and frolicking is my game. Bazinga!

Sam Rex

11th Grade

as the world record holder for most fish caught with your toes in a minute and self proclaimed best cowbell player I feel like I have a lot to bring to the table. I would describe myself as a man of sillly and goofy nature i have a passion for fermentation and kombucha studies and one might gander i have the best belly roll east of the mississippi. now a story about myself one day while swimming on 321 i saw the davis crymes and thought to myself what a fine looking man. I was so flabbergasted by his stunning and overwhelming presence that i began mowing my carpet and angered my pet moose who stampeded me and i died so now o am reincarnated as sam rex and sam rex is no more, but i am now better and i’m peak physical form for mr whs.

Zachary Kowalczyk

11th Grade

Hello sits and sirstresses, my name is Zachary Kowalczyk, some people call me Zach and I am a watauga highschool student. As many of you know, you grow up with big dreams, most of you get shot down but I, oh I most definitely don'tt get shot down. I am living my childhood dream right now, many of you lads may be wondering what that dream is.. My dream is to be the Avatar.

Jack Lewis

12th Grade

This bio was made with ChatGPT.  Meet Jack Lewis, the 17-year-old sensation who's 6ft tall and full of comedic charm. Jack's talents include making everyone laugh without even trying, navigating the world of high school with the grace of a giraffe on roller skates, and expertly avoiding broccoli at all costs. When he's not towering over the competition, Jack is busy perfecting the art of dad jokes and convincing people that he's secretly a stand-up comedy prodigy. Get ready to laugh, cheer, and wonder if Jack's height is a secret advantage in the talent show game!

Grady Gates

9th Grade

Hello my name is Grady Gates, I was born in Boone North Carolina in 2009. I can run, I run for Watauga high school cross country team. I grew up and went to valle crucis school for 9 just amazing years of my life. I am extremely good at one thing and that is running, many people don't like to run or only run when there are getting pushed or being chased by something, Bbt I do it for fun. And that is all I have got, running and school and lots of homework.

Elliot Taft

10th Grade

Hello there! My name is Tim Jerald John Stuart Paul Michael (Some call me Tim Jerald John Stuart Paul David Michael for short). I am professional trampoline wall dancer ranked #1 in all of Moscow, Idaho. I have travelled everywhere from Paris, Arkansas to London, Ohio. As a side job, I have taken up professional line holding and escalator installing. In my free time, I enjoy tuning xylophones, tree shaping, and long walks on the beach. I currently live in Lauterbrunnen, Switzerland (a land locked mountainous country, which makes beach walks a bit challenging), however you will probably find me flying around in my private hot air balloon. I am currently taking up many different languages including Sentinelese, Njerep, and Kawishana. The last thing about me is that I just lied about everything just mentioned. Blessings Elliott Taft. 

Stacy Eggers 

9th Grade

My name is Stacy Eggers and I am a freshman. I like to play baseball and ski. I will be playing the piano, hopefully.

Kade Maiden

12th Grade

IYou up? I enjoy long weeks on the beach, and I’m not looking for anything serious. Seig Miles. Can you name 10,000 types of grapes? I can’t. I want to be Davis Crymes when I grow up, did you know he went to Greece? After high school, I’ll move to Taiwan, and train Muy Thai until I take over a dojo to bless my greatest follower. Like and subscribe to be blessed. 

With the help of the Taiwanese government I’ll re-establish Gran Columbia in the image of El Jefe Supremo Simone Bolivar’s dreams. Long live the Queen of England and God Bless America.

Calvin Zwetsloot

10th Grade

 Do you know where pound cake is from. Well it originated from my home town, Pärnu. When I grow up I want to be like Kade Maiden, he met this guy named Davis Crymes, he went to Greece. After high school I will attend 4 year community college program about the intricacies of mole life, culture, behavior. After my study abroad to St Lucia I would like to return the Venezuela to its former inflation rate before Nicolás Maduro came to power, I will rule in the ways of Hugo Chávez and make Venezuela a world center of innovation and prosperity. I enjoy many things including bog snorkeling, and participating in the woolly worm festival. As a hobby I scrapbook and coordinate snail races.

Haines Heistand

11th Grade

Can you name the 10,000 types of grapes? Well I can. Gewürztraminer, Cabernet Sauvignon, Zinfandel, Viognier, and Sémillon just to name a few. As the #1 ultra runner from Vatican City I’ve traveled all across the world, from Chad to Djibouti. I was a 5 star recruit who attended Chattahoochee Valley Community College where I graduated with my undergraduate in Bagpiping. I continued my education by getting my masters in Canadian Studies at the fine Gustavus Adolphus College. When I have free time I enjoy riding my pet armadillo Fransico. I am $100,000,000 in debt. I also enjoy slap boxing in Lithuania with my friend Vladimir. I am currently writing this from my honeymoon with Davis Crymes. We are Catfish Noodlin down in the Florida Everglades. We have 20 children, 19 boys and 1 girl. My favorite foods are fermented dried shark made by chef Ram Sex and E-Z Cheez. My favorite movie is Trolls because it is a great documentary on the intricacies of troll society. I will leave you today with a question, did you mean to leave your house unlocked?

Love, Shaine 

Wesley Coatney

12th Grade

Recently, I picked up a job working as a miner and processor for a coal plant. After escaping four collapsing mines and dealing with my abusive boss, I changed professions and became a competitive eater. I specialized in the mass consumption of baba ganoush. My competitions and travels took me to Greece where I stumbled upon a stunning young lad by the name of Davis. Sadly he broke my heart when he ran off to the Everglades with a callous lover. 

Davis Crymes

12th Grade

Have you ever been to Greece, cause I have. But that's besides the point. Hi, my name is Davis, but some people like to call me Dawggis. I've been told that I'm nasty at the triangle and that my rhythmic "ding" soothes the ear of every 10 year old color blind child that may be so blessed to hear it. I'm strongly considering accepting a full ride scholarship to Worms University of Applied Sciences to continue my career in Amusement Park Engineering, which is a career that I feel very passionate about. I just recently got back from a noodling trip in the Florida Everglades with my significant other, Haines Heistand. We had a grand ole time and were able to beat Sam Rex's world record of the most catfish caught with our toes in a minute. I fear that I'm reaching my word limit though, so before I go I want to leave you guys with one last thought. Punishment for honesty is what makes us lie.

Lex Washburn

12th Grade

Hello I’m Lex Manning Washburn, I was born in the mountains of Boone North Carolina. Every butty matters big or small. I like to speed walk in my free time. Goodbye my darlings.

Jesse Underwood

12th Grade

Chick magnet monopoly addict

Collin Anderson

12th Grade

From a young age I loved to climb trees. This passion quicly turned into an addiction until eventually it was all I could ever do. Naturally I became a professional tree climber. I've climbed every tree known to man from the monkey puzzle tree to even the Franklinia alatamaha tree. I hold 127 world records in professional tree climbing, my most impressive one being able to climb a 10ft tree in 113.8294 seconds. I also play the base earning myself the title funky monkey. I also dabble in catfsh noodling with my good friend sam rex  and I've even travled to Greece with my pal Davis Crymes. I'm also a big advocate of sustainablity and personally own and operate over 23 coal power plants to ensure that we use all of it up so it cant hurt the planet any longer.

Jonah Norris

11th Grade

My name is Jonah Riley Norris.

Like to hike in the morning. Run after noon, bike by sunrise. Swimming as dawn comes soon. 

Black licorice and  pineapple on my pizza. 

Climbing on all the rocks, no stop til the peak.

That’s all I got to say. 

Dury Womack

12th Grade

yo, I'm from Americus Georgia but I've lived up here in Boone my whole life. I love snowboarding, hiking, climbing, and playing lacrosse.

Wyn Vickrey

12th Grade

My name is wyn. I’m 18 years old, a senior, and I was held back in kindergarden. Many know me from when my death was faked years ago or from how I used to walk around selling soda and candy at football games. I work at Tweetsie railroad as a ride operator, I’m on the wrestling team, and I have a crippling monopoly addiction.

Jacob Hollis

12th Grade

Hi, I’m Jacob. I like shiny things. Did you know koalas sleep up to 22 hours a day (thats the dream). Oh, and a common garden snail has 14,000 teeth (that’s wack). And, platypuses sweat milk (true fact). Anyways, why am I here again.

Summit Allan

12th Grade

18 Single not looking for anything serious low commitment. 6foot👀 38,28,42.

Brayden Collins

12th Grade

"I am fast. To give you a reference point, I am somewhere between a snake and a mongoose. And a panther.”- Dwight Schrute

Ayden Knight 

12th Grade

My name is Ayden Knight. My favorite fruit is a banana and I am here to take the crown in my 3rd year of Mr.Whs. A lot of people like to describe me as my iconic answer to a question during Mr.Whs last year, what is that you might be asking? That’d be a Molten Lava Cake, rich, sweet, and hot. 3 of the many attributes I obtain.

Holden Womack

10th Grade

I like being outdoors and spending time with my friends. I like biking, climbing, skiing, hiking, and many other things. My favorite thing to do is compete, which is why I entered this show.

Jacob Tripp

12th grade

A goofy little goober who loves putting materials, often metalloids, into coach B’s microwave without him knowing. I’m also the COOLEST and only the BEST in the entire state- no make that the entire NATION- at being a jack of all trades. In fact, I can’t do anything correctly, but I can do it all at least half right! Isn’t that crazy!!! Actually scratch that. I can’t sing. I’m mediocre at best. In fact, mediocre only originated back in 1586 because a poor sop heard the horrid screeches of obnoxious volume exiting my vocal chords.

Micah Duvall

12th Grade

My name is Micah, your hometown rock star and professional tricycle rider. I hold the world record for the most Mario Kart wins in history. I love to jam out with my friends and have a grand ole time!

Andrew Hill

12th grade

I play soccer and tennis at the high school. I am in many clubs at the high school. One fun fact is the only bone I’ve broken is my pinky toe.

Nick Lyons

12th Grade

Hey guys! My name is Nick Lyons. Some fun facts about me are that I am smart, athletic, ginger, and cute. I am reallyyyy nervous about this show I hope i win

Sam Nixon

12th grade

i peaked in 8th grade and have been on a downward trend since

Bryce Kemp

12th Grade

My name is Bryce Kemp and I am back for my 4th year of Mr. WHS. Throughout the rest of the year I serve on the student council aswell as the FFA officer team! I love anything that I can do outside.

Charlie Stumb

10th grade

My name is Charlie this is my first year on Mr WHS. I know I look like a seagull in this photo.  

Everrett Hayward

12th Grade

Hey guys! My name is Everett Hayward! Don’t call me crazy! I prefer the term mentally hilarious.

Fran MirandaAponte

12th grade

Hey I’m Fran. If you don’t know me yet, nah never mind, you definitely know me.

Miles Page 

12th Grade

Hello, my name's Miles Page. I love to read, write, and put my homework assignments off until the last minute (which I also did with this bio).