
Photographer analysis

Reynald Drouhin

Reynald Drouhin is a french artist, who specializes in digital material. He uses geometric shapes in all of his photos to change how an image is seen. He does this by changing how an images looks inside of of a usually rectangular shape and flipping or changing the colour of the image so that it shows a different side to the photo in the shape. He mostly uses nature or the sky in his photos to give him the biggest range of  distortion possible in his photos. Drouhin uses colour a lot to distort his images, usually by turning the background to black and white and turning up the brightness and contrast on the images inside of the shapes. I think using simple polygons is a great idea because it allows the photos to be easily made without taking anything away from the photograph. He has used the reflection of the mountain in the water as the top half but and the actual mountain as the bottom, flipping the images. 

Distortion Mood Board 

Suzanne Saroff 

In this image Suzanne Saroff has used the glasses of water to create distorted reflections of the fish behind the glass. She has used a lot of negative space in the background to help the distortion of the fish in the glasses stand out more. The colour of the background is a contrast to the fish as well but it inst the opposite making the image nicer to look at compared to if it has a complete white or opposite colour to the fish for the background. I like how Saroff had parts of the fish sticking out so that it was still identifiable as a fish but the majority of it is distorted behind the different sized glasses. I think the simplicity of the images makes the photo better compared to some of Saroff's other works. I like how easy and simple this technique is to do and create good images out of. 

Different Distortion Techniques 

Plan for Shoot 1 

Shoot 1 Contact Sheet 

Shoot 1 Images 

I like the idea i have with these photos with the inspiration of Reynald Drouhin but i think i could develop them better. In some of the images the shapes look out of place which i like but i want to make them to look smoother within the image but still looking out of place. I like what i have done with the last image where i have overlapped the shape with itself but then changed the angle that it is sat at. 

Final Images and Annotations 

These four photos are my favourite out of the ones i have made in this project. I like how they all create sort of doors or portals in the sky. They distort the sky in an abstract way creating some nice images. The images are heavily inspired by Reynald Drouhin but with my own twist. In the bottom left i have tried to create the illusion of something coming out of a portal in the sky. The first image is inspired by the door in The Truman Show. I like how i have used different shades of the sky in the images to help make the shapes stand out and create illusions of portals and doors. I think the idea in my images have developed nicely with my ideas and experimentation getting better as i went on making my images come together better as independent images. The fourth images is more of an experimentation because i accidentally changed the background colour instead of the shape but i liked how it looked so i carried on to see what i could create. I think if i was to do this project again i need to experiment more with colour and different more unique shaped to help make my images more interesting.