3D Anaglyph

A  3d Anaglyph is the name used for the stereoscopic effect un 3D movies and photography. It is created by separating two colours from the image (usually red and cyan) from the image to create more depth and therefore making a 3D illusion, when viewed through "colour coded anaglyph glasses". It was most commonly used in 1950's movies and comic books. 

Shoot 1 plan  

Shoot 1 

This was my first image, Iike how it looks but it doesn't make any 3D effect when wearing the anaglyph glasses. In my next shoot I need to take photos that will have better results of the 3D effect. 

With this image above i have used too different photos and combined them into one unsing red on one of the images and cyan on the other. I used to place tool in photoshop to create this effect, letting me use two different images on this photo.This means that when you use the 3D glasses and look at the final images you get a combination of the both but if you close one eyes you will get a different images to if you close the other. 

This image looks like is front fist is starting to come out of the image, but i havent quite mage the capture that properly in the image itself. I think it might look a bit better if it was only the fist that was 3D or if the colours were more separated in the fist so that it looks further out from the image compared to the rest of the image. 

In the third picture above I have tried to puppet warp the tripod to make it look more 3D in the image. I wanted it to look like the tripod was sticking out of the images when you look at it with the anaglyph glasses on, however it hasn't worked as well as i wish it could. I think i need to retake the image but zoomed out a bit more so that it can be more obvious that it is 3D.          

shoot 2 plan and contact sheet 

I think i have managed to capture the effect of the cardboard/gun coming out of the image well even before I added the 3D effect. I think i could've learned how to make the inside of the cardboard look more like a barrel on the gun to help get the illusion of a gun across. It helps in the image that i focussed on Archie and not the barrel because it help bring attention away from the cardboard, letting it stick out a little more. 

If i was to this again, i think i would do it outside or on the white background. I would also learn to change the cardboard in photoshop to look like a gun.  

In this image be a lot better if it was Photo shopped so that Archie was holding a rocket launcher instead of a cardboard roll. However, I think the 3D effect has been captured well and it doesn't look flat or blocked off by the cropping of the image. This image would look a lot better if it was taken outside on the field with the school as a background then i think it would look a lot better as an image

These two are my favorite images of the ones i have taken, however i don't think the 3D effect is the best. The right image has the effect better but it is still not the best i couldve done. When i take the images again i would have the polystyrene closer to the camera and directly in front like the gunner photo i did before. I would also draw the eyes and mouth on the cloth instead of using photoshop to add them. 

In this version I have also used text boxes to make the boo, i have also made that 3D so that it doesnt look flat on the background of image. I have then used a layer mask to hide part of the boo behind the ghost. This makes the ghost stick out more from the image.

In this version i have used puppet warp to bring the colours in the tube back together. This makes the tube look further forward compared to the rest of the image as it stops everything else from coming further forward as the tube doesn't have the colours separated. I also changes the "boo" text the be a lighter blue and thicker because I think it stands out more than before. The image was also cropped a little on the sides but I prefer the cropping in the first image because this images boxes the photo too much and doesn't allow for the ghost to come out but it does allow the tube to stick out more. 

Shoot 3 


contact sheet 

For this shoot I wanted to go back to the theme of the gun or cannon from shoot 1 and 2. However, i felt it would suit the idea better if it was outside on the grass so that the photos looked more realistic. 

 This is the process I went through to get this final image. I curved the image first in photo shop and then added the anaglyph affect. After that i cropped the image and then puppet warped the end of the tripod/gun to make it come out of the image a bit better. 

I like this image but i don't know if i prefer the cropped or uncropped image better. I  think the cropped image looks better as a stand alone image but the first image looks better as a 3D effect image. 

Final photos and evaluation

These are my final images because they all show the 3d effect well and show something coming out of frame. The fourth image doesnt show anything coming out of the screen but i like what i did with it, using two images instead of one and overlaying them on each other to make one image. The two outside images are my favourite two images as they use all the techniques I've learnt and I've taken all the criticism from my other photos to make them. I like how the idea of a gunner runs throughout all of my photos. I have done some experimentation with the ghost but i prefered my first idea of the gunner. The third image is my favourite of the original gunner shoot and the first time i tried the puppet warp technique.