Apr. 24 (Wednesday)
PM: Opening ceremony/Keynote speech
Evening: Banquet at restaurant
Apr. 25 (Thursday)
AM: Oral Sessions
PM: Oral Sessions/Poster Sessions
Evening: Young Scholar's Night
Apr. 26 (Friday)
AM: Oral Sessions
PM: Optional Culture Tour
1. Should you have any questions regarding the timetable, kindly reach out to us before 12 pm on April 15.
2. We have not received the registration information for the paper IDs highlighted in red. Please contact us to confirm your participation as soon as possible.
Oral presentation
Each oral presentation consists of a 12-minute presentation followed by a 3-minute Q&A.
The presentation material should be either MS PowerPoint or PDF files. (PPTX files are also acceptable.)
After checking the compatibility, please upload your file to your session computer before your presentation session begins.
You should arrive in the session room BEFORE the beginning of the session and report to the session chairperson.
Please bring your name tag for a smooth introduction by the session chair.
Please keep the given time so all the speakers can finish the session on time.
Poster presentation
Poster size: A0 (841××1189 mm)
Posters should including paper ID, title, the names of all authors, affiliations, and an overview of your research outcomes.
Place your poster on the assigned board BEFORE poster session time.
Poster presentation
Site: 1F lobby at the College of Engineering.
Every presenter must paste your poster at the designated location before 10:00 a.m. on 25 April and engage in discussions with attendees in front of your poster during the time announced above.
If you are participating in the student competition, please stand by your poster at the “Poster Session III” and await the judging panel.
Every presenter is required to remove your poster during 10:45 - 11:15 a.m. on 26 April.
Day 1
Oral Sessions
Poster Sessions