Qualified teams to the Oral Rounds

of the Asia-Pacific Regional Round 2024

The Regional Round of 2024 decided to accept 16 teams to compete the Oral Rounds. This became possible thanks to the host institution, Gakushuin University, and the multiple experts of the region who volunteered themselves to act as oral judges for the Competition. The local organizing committee wish to convey our warmful gratitudes to them.

Qualified Teams for the Oral Round are the teams hereunder. (as of 20 April 2024)

Congratulations to the qualified teams. Organizing team will contact your registered Point of Contact through email for preparation or your travel to Tokyo. Please refer to that contact and thoroughly follow the instructions.

Team 01

Team 03

Team 04

Team 11

Team 16

Team 17

Team 18

Team 19

Team 20

Team 21

Team 25

Team 26

Team 28

Team 29

Team 30

Team 31