NJ AT Network
The Assistive Technology Network for New Jersey
The Richard West Assistive Technology Advocacy Center (ATAC) is New Jersey’s designated Assistive Technology Act program. The Center is a program of Disability Rights New Jersey (DRNJ), with the New Jersey Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Services (DVRS) as its lead agency, and has served as the central clearing house for information about AT devices and services statewide since 1997. ATAC provides telephone and e-mail information and referral, a comprehensive website with links to AT resources, training and education, technical assistance, outreach, and individual legal and non-legal advocacy assistance to support people with disabilities of all ages to access the AT that they need.
The proposed AT Network, with ATAC at its center, will establish a network system of providers, including consumer groups, self-advocates, non-profit and public agencies, manufacturers, vendors, therapists, and school districts, and provide them with a common and centralized connection and a means of communicating with one another through a listserv, web portal, newsletter, and annual meeting, all hosted and marketed through ATAC. ATAC will continually update and disseminate information to all members of the AT Network. ATAC, in turn, will serve as the one-stop entry point for the disability community and the public seeking information about AT devices, device demonstration and loan opportunities, and recycling and reutilization of used AT devices. The AT Network will be marketed by ATAC through information and referral, outreach, and training and education, including newsletters, advertisements, press releases, and public service announcements.
ATAC provides funding to sub-contractors throughout New Jersey in order to effectively provide the core services of the AT Act:
Device Demonstration
Device Loan
Device Reutilization
Our Partners include:
NJCART – The New Jersey Coalition for the Advancement of Rehabilitation and Assistive Technology
NJCART is a non-profit organization established in 1987 to promote the appropriate applications of technology for individuals with disabilities, assure access to resources and provide continuing education to its members and the community at large.
Assistive Technology Services, Advancing Opportunities
New Jersey’s online resource for information and equipment. We help people with disabilities, their families, teachers and employers identify and learn to use the technology that will be most effective in meeting their goals.
Goodwill Home Medical Equipment
A division of Goodwill Industries of Southern NJ & Philadelphia, Goodwill Home Medical Equipment collects, sanitizes, refurbishes and sells gently-used, durable medical equipment and unopened medical supplies at affordable prices.
We provide assistive technology services to children and adults with disabilities in northern and central NJ and the NY Metropolitan area.