Poster Paper Gudinelines :

About 30-40 poster authors (Mainly Post-docs, or Graduate students, preferably Ph.D. students , to be nominated by SAB) are to be invited for publishing the poster papers;  ten of them, based on a qualification review by SAB, will be selected to make 4-5 minutes oral presentation each person. 

There will be a poster award competition in which some outstanding poster papers will be selected by a general evaluation survey by all the registered attendees and awarded in the closing ceremony.  The poster award competition is independent of the selection of oral presentations.  Another word, all the 30 - 40 poster papers will be rated by the poster competition evaluation survey on the same basis. (See the reference of POSTER AWARD COMPETITION EVALUATION GUIDELINES under Poster Competition.)  The competition rating (voting) closes at 4:00 pm, Jan 5.

The 2024 Guidelines might be revised, as needed.

Poster Size:

The poster board will be 2500 mm tall by 1000 mm wide, mounted on stands. Your poster should not exceed this size. Your poster should be designed and printed in a vertical/portrait format.

It is suggested that you use the poster size: A0 (841mm x 1189 mm)

Poster Board Number:

There will be about 30-40 posters scheduled concurrently. Be sure to identify your correct board number, which will be shown on the poster web-link to be provided, when it becomes available.

Poster Authors’ Obligations:

The ten poster authors selected by the SAB must make a short oral presentation, roughly 4-5 minutes, in the assigned Poster Oral Presentation Session on 1/4.  

The poster authors will be disqualified for the poster award competition if he or she is not attending the full three-day event.  All the poster authors must remain by his/her poster board for the Q&A discussion during the Poster Review Session in the morning of  1/ 5 and other coffee break times.

Posters Set up & Removal:

Your posters are required to be set up in the morning between 10:00 – 12:00 on 1/3 at Poster Area. The double-faced tape will be provided. The poster papers should stay on the poster board throughout the whole event and should be removed after the Session H on 1/5.  Display materials not removed following the closing will be discarded by the BRC Secretariat.

Poster Award Competition:

We will have a poster award competition to select some best posters to be awarded with certificates and cash prizes (e.g. thousands of NT dollars)  The competition rating (voting) closes at 4:00 pm, Jan 5.

The poster award competition rules is posted under Posters of the webpage. 

Size of Posters to be posted at Poster Area : A0 (841x1189mm) 

Paper Abstract Template (No more than two pages)  and 

Bio/ CV for Speakers (No more than one page) are shown below

Speech / Poster Paper Abstract Template (No more than two pages):


Abstract Title


Author A  1,2, Author B 1, and Author C2

1Research Center for Ubiquitous MEMS and Micro Engineering (UMEMSME), 

National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), 

1-2-1 Namiki, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8564, JAPAN

2Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo, 

5-1-5 Kashiwanoha, Kashiwa-shi, Chiba 277-8563, JAPAN



Please submit your abstract in both MS WORD (*.doc) and PDF files. 

An abstract is a short paragraph that provides readers with a quick overview of your research and its organization. It should express your research central idea and your key points; it should also suggest any implications or applications of the research you discuss in the paper. 

As the conference proceedings or handbook will be published in A4 format, it seems advisable to set up the layout on your PC/Mac/workstation in this format.  A4 paper is 29.7 cm high and 21 cm wide (or 8.27 inches x 11.69 inches). In this format, define 1.5 cm (.60 inches) wide left and right margins, a 2.5 cm high top margin (1 inch) and a 3 cm (1.20 inches) bottom margin. The title/author/affiliation section should be centered above both columns.  

Please use Times New Roman throughout the entire manuscript, from title, authors, affiliation, and headers, to figure and table captions, and references. The length of the abstract, including reference and author biography (author biography is only requested for speech paper), can vary from 1 to 2 pages. To achieve as unified a look across the proceedings or handbook as possible, the following formats are preferred for the main paragraph types, as illustrated also by this sample manuscript:

• Title:   16 points, bold;   • Authors: 12 points, bold italic;

• Affiliation:    12 points, regular;  • Street, City, STATE/Province, COUNTRY:        12 points, regular

• Text body:    12 points, regular;

• Figure captions:    10 points, italic;  • Table captions: 10 points, italic;

• The font size of references is 10 points, regular, numbered in [ ].

Each figure should be accompanied by a numbered caption, as shown in Figure 1, placed directly below the figure being described. 

All labels within the figure frame should be in font 9 points or larger. 

Tables should be preceded by a caption. Table 1 illustrates a possible design with 12 points font size. 


[1] S. Takamatsu, T. Lonjaret, E. Ismailova, A. Masuda, T. Itoh, G. G. Malliaras, “Wearable Keyboard Using Conducting Polymer Electrodes on Textiles”, Advanced Maerialst., Vol. 28, 4485-4488 (2016).

Author biography  (No more than one page) 

The presenting author (typically the first author) is required to provide a biography (no more than one page OR approximately 200 to 300 words).  The research lab web-link and author’s photograph are recommended.