4-H Accomplishment scholarship

The purpose of the 4-H Accomplishment Scholarship is to recognize youth who have excelled in life skills development through their 4-H activities and involvement. Categories include:

If you excel in more than one of these categories, you may apply for the Premier Citizenship, Leadership, or and/or Achievement categories.

Who is Eligible?

Applicants must be in grades 10-12, or their first year immediately following 4-H enrollment eligibility at the time applications are due. While an applicant does not have to be a current 4-H member, they must demonstrate multiple years of involvement in Indiana’s 4-H Youth Development Program.

Any applicant may submit a premier scholarship application, but youth who have previously been awarded a $1,000 accomplishment category scholarship are only eligible to compete in the Premier Achievement, Premier Citizenship, and Premier Leadership categories.

Youth who have previously been awarded a $2,000 premier scholarship are no longer eligible to compete in any category.

What Do I Need to Do to Apply?

Completed applications are due January 25, 2024 and must be submitted electronically in PDF format through 4HOnline or delivered to the County Extension Office on an electronic storage media device (flash drive, etc.). 

You may enter a maximum of 3 categories (above), but your applications for each category must be different.