人工智慧之數位轉型與資訊安全 Digital Transformation and Information Security of Artificial Intelligence


We welcome your original research papers, case studies, or research methodologies to explore digital transformation challenges and opportunities while advancing the understanding and applications of AI and information security measures.

主題一: 人工智慧 (Artificial Intelligence)

企業/政府人工智慧的實際應用領域 Applications of artificial intelligence in enterprises/government 

面對人工智慧技術挑戰的解決方案 Challenges of artificial intelligence technologies 

人工智慧在智慧製造中的成功案例 AI's applications in smart manufacturing 

人工智慧與物聯網的協同運用 Integration of artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things 

AI在醫療診斷與治療中的創新突破 Innovative applications of AI in medical diagnosis and treatment 

零售業與購物領域的人工智慧解決方案 AI solutions in shopping and retail industries 

智慧城市建設中的AI技術應用 AI technology applications in smart city development 

人工智慧在智慧家居領域的前景展望 Prospects of AI in smart homes 

AI與自動駕駛技術的跨界融合 Fusion of AI and autonomous driving technologies 

教育領域中人工智慧的進展與挑戰 Progress and challenges of AI in education 

文化創意產業中的AI應用與創新 AI applications and innovations in the cultural and creative industries 

金融科技領域中AI的演進與應用 AI's development and applications in Fintech 

其他相關議題 Other related topics 

主題二: 資訊安全 (Information Security)

人工智慧在資訊安全領域的創新應用 Innovative use of AI in information security 

資訊安全策略與最佳實踐分享 Sharing strategies and best practices in information security 

金融科技與資訊安全的緊密關係 The relationship between Fintech and information security 

智慧科技下的資訊安全管理挑戰 Challenges in managing information security in the era of smart technologies 

雲端運算在資訊安全保障中的作用 The role of cloud computing in ensuring information security 

資訊安全在智慧化金融中的關鍵角色 Information security's role in intelligent finance 

資訊安全面對數位經濟的挑戰 Challenges of information security in the digital economy 

區塊鏈技術在資訊安全上的創新應用 The role of blockchain technology in enhancing information security 

資訊化社會下的資訊安全面臨之挑戰 Information security challenges in the digital society 

巨量資料分析在資訊安全決策中的優勢 The advantages of big data analysis in information security decision-making 

AI於資安事件追蹤與紀錄管理的潛力 The potential of AI in tracking and managing security incidents 

資訊安全法規與合規性挑戰 Regulatory and compliance challenges in information security 

其他相關議題 Other related topics 

主題三: 數位轉型 (Digital Transformation)

數位轉型策略的制定與實施 Strategies and implementation of digital transformation 

雲端運算在數位轉型過程的關鍵地位 The pivotal role of cloud computing in digital transformation 

區塊鏈技術在數位轉型中的應用案例 Applications of blockchain technology in digital transformation 

企業策略校準在數位轉型中的重要性 The importance of aligning enterprise strategies during digital transformation 

創新決策資訊系統在數位轉型中的作用 The role of innovative decision information systems in digital transformation 

資訊服務創新與資訊安全議題 Information security issues in innovative service transformations 

數位轉型下資訊服務轉型的挑戰與解決 Challenges and solutions in service transformation during digital transformation 

數位轉型與智慧交通領域的整合 Integration of digital transformation and smart transportation 

能源產業中的數位轉型應用與創新 Applications and innovations in the energy industry's digital transformation 

AI與數位轉型對企業人力資源的影響 Impact of AI and digital transformation on human resource management 

數位轉型在教育科技中的實際運用 Practical applications of digital transformation in educational technology 

數位轉型對農業現代化的促進作用 The link between digital transformation and modernizing agriculture 

醫療保健領域中數位轉型的趨勢 Trends of digital transformation in the healthcare sector 

數位轉型對金融業的變革和挑戰 Transformations and challenges in the financial industry due to digital transformation 

數位轉型與綠色永續發展的關聯 The relationship between digital transformation and sustainable development 

區塊鏈在數位轉型中的角色和應用 The role and applications of blockchain in digital transformation 

AI與數位轉型在公共服務中的應用 AI and its role in public services during digital transformation 

其他相關議題 Other related topics