Deadline: November 09 (Thu.)  October 20, 2023 (Fri.).

Authors submit papers online and choose to upload either the "title page with abstract" or the "full paper".

All submissions should not have been previously published or under review elsewhere.

The submitting papers will undergo an anonymous review process.

At the conference, the outstanding papers will be selected and recommended for submission to other TSSCI or Scopus journals.

Accepted papers must be presented at the conference by at least one of the authors through a hybrid format.

Language: Chinese/English.

Reminder: Please complete your registration and upload your manuscript first. The registration fee should be paid after your paper has been accepted

After completing the registration, please also email the paper to 2023.itma.conference@gmail.com with the subject: "2023 ITMA International Conference_Paper Title in English".


Purpose: Allow authors to upload their final version to the committee.

Finalization deadline:  November 19 (Sun.) ~ 28 (Tue.).

  Use Microsoft Word to edit authors' manuscript.

a. 「標題頁含摘要」Word 文件: 包括論文名稱、作者姓名與相關資訊、摘要、關鍵詞。摘要內容應包含研究問題、目的、研究方法、研究發現,文長不超過 500 字,關鍵詞限五個。 

            Title Page with Abstract (.docx): Include the paper title, author details, a 500-word abstract, and up to five keywords.

b. 「論文全文」Word 文件和 PDF 文件: 包含論文名稱、作者資訊、中文摘要、英文摘要、本文以及參考文獻。請勿編入頁碼,中文使用標楷體,英文使用 Times New Roman 字型,內文字型大小為 12 點,篇幅限制為 A4 紙張 20 頁(不含摘要頁)。

           Full Paper (Word & PDF): Include title, author info, Chinese & English abstracts, content, references. No page numbers. Use KaiTi (Chinese) and Times New Roman (English), 12-point font. Max 20 A4 pages (excluding abstract).

To include authors' "full paper" in the conference handbook, authors may upload it by December first (Fri.) (optional).

For any questions, email the final manuscript to 2023.itma.conference@gmail.com and call (+886) 2939-3091 #81242 to confirm.

If no final manuscript received, the submitted version will be included in the conference handbook.

2023全文格式 Paper Format.doc