The Schedule

Day 1

Friday, March 31st

Registration 11:00 - 12:00 (Bunker Hill Room Foyer) 

12:00 - 1:00


Noe Terrace

1:00 - 1:15 

Introductory Remarks

Bunker Hill Room

Arthur Lander - CCBS Center Director

1:15 - 2:35

Faculty Research Talks

Bunker Hill Room

1:15 - 1:35 Wei Li

1:35 - 1:55 Nir Drayman

1:55 - 2:15 Chris Halbrook

2:15 - 2:35 Barbara Jusiak

5-min Break  

2:40 - 3:10

2022 Opportunity Award Recipient Talks 

Bunker Hill Room

2:40 - 2:55 Defining epigenetic drivers of metastasis using cancer de- differentiation theory

    Tatyana Lev (Lawson lab), Dennis Ma (Kessenbrock lab) and        

    Ashley Avila (Downing lab)

2:55 - 3:10 Untangling spaghetti and meatballs: theory-driven feature selection for cell state classification in single-cell transcriptomics

Emmanuel Dollinger (Nie lab), Venus Sosa Inglesias (Atwood lab), and Kai Silkwood (Lander lab)

3:10 - 3:20

Announcement of 2023 Opportunity Award Competition Bunker Hill Room

3:20 - 4:45

Poster Session I/Coffee Break 

Watercourt Room

4:45 - 5:45

Topic 1: Reports of Center and MCSB Activities 

Bunker Hill Room

Arthur Lander - CCBS Director

John Lowengrub - MCSB Director

5:45 - 6:20

Topic 2: Additional new and ongoing activities 

Bunker Hill Room

Bogi Andersen - UCI Skin 

Sam Morabito - GenPALs

Suzanne Sandmeyer - Spatial-omics

German Enciso - Foundations of Sys Bio Short Course

Elizabeth Read - MCSB Curriculum Committee

David Fruman - Cancer Research Institute

Erica Ward & Alice Vo - MCSB DEI Taskforce

6:30 - 8:00


Noe Terrace

Day 2

Saturday, April 1st

8:15 - 8:45

Continental breakfast 

Bunker Hill Room Foyer

8:45 - 10:05

Faculty Research Talks

Bunker Hill Room

8:45 - 9:05 Pratik Shah

9:05 - 9:25 Scott Atwood

9:25 - 9:45 Elizabeth Read

9:45 - 10:05 Evgeny Kvon

15-min Coffee Break  

10:20 - 10:50

2022 Opportunity Award Recipient Talks 

Bunker Hill Room

10:20 - 10:35 Developing a system to understand the vasculature of endothelial cells and its role in mediating the progression of glioblastoma

         Sarah Eldeen (Botvinick lab) and Andres Guerrero (Chang lab)

10:35 - 10:50 Revealing the role of neutrophils in BCC tumors using single-cell tracking

Lulu Lai (Atwood lab) and Pei Tan (Miles lab)

10:50 - 12:40

Topic 3: Breakout sessions

Bunker Hill Room, Museum A, and Museum B rooms

10:50 - 11:00 Introduction to breakout session topics

11:00 - 12:40 Breakout sessions

12:40 - 1:45

Poster Session II/Lunch

Watercourt Room

1:45 - 6:30 Free Time

6:30 - 8:30


Vespaio Restaurant

225 S. Grand Ave.

Los Angeles, CA 90012

Day 3

Sunday, April 2nd

8:15 - 8:45

Continental breakfast 

Watercourt Room Foyer

8:45 - 10:45

Topic 3 continued: reports from the breakout sessions

Bunker Hill Room 

15-min Coffee Break  

11:00 - 12:00

Faculty Research Talks 

Bunker Hill Room

11:00 - 11:20 Xiangmin Xu

11:20 - 11:40 Anna Grosberg

11:40 - 12:00 Lee Bardwell

12:00 - 12:20

Topic 4: Other matters

Bunker Hill Room 

Outreach, future directions, and funding opportunities

12:20 - 12:25 

Closing Remarks

Bunker Hill Room

1:00 -  

Lunch (self-funded)

Grand Central Market