Banquet & AGM

2023 Canadian National Master Hunt Test Banquet

Saturday, August 19th, 2023. Banquet tent - Saskatoon Retriever Club grounds, near Bradwell, Saskatchewan. 

What a wonderful way to kick off the event! The evening was hosted by Event Chair and Saskatoon Retriever Club (SRC) member Jeff Morari who was accompanied by the musical stylings of Rhonda Morari. After an opportunity for guests and handlers to visit and have some drinks Jeff Morari duck called our judges Peter Ferin, Bill Marshall and John Kuepferling and the Head Marshal John McDonald. After some introductions and a song dedicated to late SRC member Paddy Thompson dinner was catered and served by SRC members. After dessert there were speeches, the drawing of the starting dog and the distribution of handlers bibs and welcome bags.

Day 1 - Monday August 21st. Land Series, caravan leaves Saskatoon Retriever Clubhouse at 0730.  Starting dog for Series 1 is Dog 11. 

Good luck to all teams!

Pictures of banquet to follow. 

2023 Canadian National Master Hunt Test AGM

The Annual General Meeting was held under the banquet tent at headquarters at 11AM on August 20th, 2023. 

About 20 people including the board of the Canadian National Master Club were in attendance. Main topics of

discussion included:


Thanks to Sue Taylor for checking all female dogs. All female dogs were cleared to run in the 2023 National Master Hunt Test.