Q & A

Q. Is the research to be presented at the 2023 National Conference constrained to the Korean setting? Or is it open in that regard? 

A. The short answer is 'No constraint'. Of course we are excited to read your application for presentation, and that should give us a more granular perspective on what your concerns are. I would welcome insights from different multicultural education contexts, and I think it could be quite informative to reflect on how differing contexts intersect with the Korean context. So, go for it! 

Q. The research I presented at the International Conference in May would fit really nicely with the theme of the National Conference. Would it need to be a new presentation, to avoid repetition?  

A. Yes, it can't be a presentation you've done before for KOTESOL. However, I think you could easily rename and revise it (for example by adding some new insights). Submit a proposal and put a note at the bottom. I'll be in touch if it needs tweaking.