

Posters are available for comment asynchronously throughout the conference. Please peruse these posters and offer your feedback through the Comments link you will find on each poster.

Once you click on a poster, you can expand it for easier viewing.

Poster 1

Meditation and Gratitude Practice for Early Childhood Teachers

Many early childhood educators are experiencing an increase in stress, which is affecting their well-being. A multiple case study design was used following five teachers during an eight-week intervention. Teachers had an increase in teacher self-efficacy, a decrease in teacher stress, an increase in positive classroom community, and an increase in hope.

Samantha Evans, Ph.D University of Oklahoma

NAECTE Conference Samantha.pdf

Poster 2

Implementing Rituals in Daily Routines of ECE Curriculum College Classes

This presentation highlights implementing a pedagogical approach in preservice early childhood teacher education. Students and faculty engaged in authentic, developmentally appropriate circle times to welcome and teach each other. This classroom ritual builds reciprocal relationships and guides students in applying these concepts into their practice.

Tamara Masters, Ph.D. Central College

Masters_NAECTE Poster.pptx

Poster 3

Cultivating Healthy Intentional Mindful Educators (CHIME) in Oregon

Teachers experiencing depression and stress are less likely to be sensitive to children. Mindfulness offers important strategies for promoting psychological resilience. The CHIME program shows promise in reducing teacher stress and promoting well-being. Developed and piloted at UN-L, CHIME developers are supporting a team in Oregon to adapt and pilot the program in Oregon.

Adrienne J. L. Henry, Ph.D. Master Trainer through the Oregon Registry


Jaci Foged University of Nebraska- Lincoln

NAECTE_2022 CHIME-O_ poster.pdf

Poster 4

Supporting Writing Improvisation with CLT Kindergartners and their Teachers

This poster addresses the often "joyless" condition of scripted writing in Kindergarten by exploring how teachers and teacher educators might support all Culturally and Linguistically Talented (CLT) children's talents and skills by using improvisational literacy practices.

Melissa Sherfinski, Ph.D. West Virginia University

Wen Juan Mo, M. A. West Virginia University

NAECTE 2022 POSTER Sherfinski & Mo.pdf

Anita R. Kumar, Ed.D.William Paterson University;

Poster 5

Seeing Thinking and Wondering about Inequities using Data Equity Walks

This poster is a reflection of using Data Equity Walks, in a graduate level ECE course. The structure, process, resources and outcomes of the activity are described. Participants’ data, wonderings, reflections and the ways they extended this learning, are shared. Implications for supporting teachers to use data to advocate for equity issues in their settings, are discussed

NAECTE_ Anita Kumar_equity data walk_presentation_Sum 2022.pdf

Poster 6

What pandemic taught us: Three faculty’s adaptability and resilience

This study portrays the lived experiences of three Korean faculty striving to thrive in higher education during pandemic. Findings will describe how we supported students emotionally and academically, what opportunities and challenges we encountered, and how we grew as teacher educators from this experience.

Kyoung Jin Kim, Ph. D University of North Texas

Minkyung Han, Ph. D Daegu University

Ji-Hyang Sohn, Ph. D Daegu University

NAECTE-Poster session slides.pdf

Poster 7

Maternal Affective Qualities and Child Engagement in Book Sharing

We analyzed Mexican/Dominican parent-child dyads involved in a book sharing activity at child age 36 months. Parents’ affect was associated with higher levels of child engagement, even when controlling for cultural background, mother’s language, and child gender. Warm tone of voice and adult engagement may support children’s interest in reading activities.

Luiza Batista de Assumpcao Santana, AA San Jose State University

Maria Fusaro, EdD San Jose State University

Poster NA.pdf

Poster 8

Teacher Candidates' Perceptions of Stakeholder Created Assessments

This action research presentation explains the process of exploring teacher candidates’ perceptions of stakeholder created assessments. The researchers hope to present the community with the situation and request dialogue regarding experiences in other Early Childhood Teacher Preparation Programs.

Lacy Davis Hitt, Ph.D. Southeastern Louisiana


Robyn Hutchinson, M.Ed. Southeastern Louisiana University

Letitia Walters, Ph.D. Southeastern Louisiana University


Poster 9

Facilitating Pandemic Learning at Home through Play

This action research presentation explains the process of exploring teacher candidates’ perceptions of stakeholder created assessments. The researchers hope to present the community with the situation and request dialogue regarding experiences in other Early Childhood Teacher Preparation Programs.

Dr. Michelle Fazio Brunson Northwestern State University of Louisiana

Dr. Debra Jo Hailey Northwestern State University of Louisiana

Martha Hopewell, M.Ed. Candidate Northwestern State University of Louisiana

NAECTE 2022 Poster Cradle Martha.pptx