Being open to Creativity in Early Childhood Education and

Early Childhood Teacher Education

by Dr. Jane Tingle Broderick

[11:00-12:15 PM Pacific Time] - [12:00-01:00 PM Mountain Time] - [01:00-02:00 PM Central Time] - [02:00-03:00 PM Eastern Time]

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Meeting the Speaker

Dr. Jane Tingle Broderick

Jane Tingle Broderick (BFA, MA, EdD) is a Professor of Early Childhood Education at East Tennessee State. She co-coordinates the Early Childhood PhD Program and coordinates the Early Childhood Education Emergent Inquiry Certificate Program, which is inspired by the Reggio Emilia Approach and constructivist theories. Her research focuses on emergent “inquiry” curriculum and Reggio inspired practices.

She has published articles on teacher development with emergent “inquiry” curricular practices, as well as documentation and the arts. She and her colleague Seong Bock Hong are authors of the book published by NAEYC entitled, "From Children's Interests to Children's Thinking: Using a Cycle of Inquiry to Plan Curriculum.” They have presented widely over the years on their processes with teaching and researching using the COI in addition to teachers’ use of materials to guide children’s inquiry. Materials explorations are central to their COI research and practice. Additionally, Jane continues her lifelong her long journey as a practicing artist, which guides her understanding of the role of expressive arts in learning.