2022 MAA Golden Section Meeting

February 26, 2022, 8:30 am - 5:15 pm


California State University Maritime Academy

200 Maritime Academy Dr.

Vallejo, CA 94131

This event will showcase intriguing mathematics and foster community among students and mathematicians in Northern California, Nevada, and Hawaii.

Student Poster Session

Mathematics students — both undergraduate and graduate — are encouraged to share their research at the student poster session.

Submit your poster abstract here

Application deadline extended: February 20

Art Exhibit

Artists are encouraged to share their work at the mathematical art exhibition.

Apply to present your art here

Application deadline extended: February 15

The Speakers

Talithia Williams

Harvey Mudd College

Sarah Koch

University of Michigan

Eric Hsu

San Francisco State University

Emille Davie Lawrence

University of San Francisco

C. Allen Butler

Daniel H. Wagner & Associates

COVID Protocols and Contingencies

As of right now, we are planning on an in-person event. Rizza Auditorium (our primary location) is large enough for our meeting participants to be quite spread out. Doors will be left open for increased ventilation. Lunch will be grab and go and can be eaten outside or indoors.

Please note that CSU Maritime requires all visitors to campus follow campus policies including:

  • Visitors must ensure they have no COVID-related symptoms. Symptomatic people cannot access campus until cleared by a physician or have a negative COVID test collected in the last 72 hours.

  • Unvaccinated guests are required wear a mask at all times while on campus.

  • Everyone MUST wear face coverings in all campus buildings, unless they are alone or eating/drinking.

If it is deemed unsafe to hold this event in-person, we will revert to an online modality as was done last year.

Let us know if you're coming!