Online Instructions


  1. Local Organiser/Arbiter to have Zoom on their laptop at the hub venue.

  2. Zoom will be used for communication purposes between the Chief Organiser, the Chief Arbiter, the Chief Technical Officer, and the local hubs.

What Players Need to do Prior to the Tournament:

  1. Ensure that you have read the regulations tab.

  2. Ensure that you have a laptop (No iPad's permitted) to use throughout the duration of the tournament.

  3. Ensure that you have downloaded Firefox or Chrome prior to the commencement of the tournament. (Firefox preferred)

  4. Ensure that you have turned off all notifications on your computer.

  5. Ensure that you arrive at your respective venue at least one hour prior to the commencement of the first round.

What Players Need to do During the Tournament:

When Starting the Game:

  1. Close all tabs and all documents on computer except this tournament website, and the two following links.

  2. Open both and in separate windows/tabs.

  3. On the Livechess Play window click login in the top right corner of the screen, and complete the login form provided. Your respective Arbiter/Organiser will have your logon ID and password (if you do not have these details).

  4. From the now displayed tournaments list click on the 'view pairings' link next to '2020 ASTC'.

  5. Find your username in the pairing list and click the 'Issue Challenge' button for White players or the 'Await Challenge' button for Black players.

  6. Round pairings will be in AuNix LiveChess on the tournaments page:

  7. (Black Players Only) - Click on the green check-mark under incoming challenges to start the game.

  8. If you have any difficulties with the aforementioned steps, please communicate with your respective arbiter/organiser, if they cannot help then they will speak to Peter Tsai or Hughston Parle immediately and the AuNix technical team immediately via Zoom.

When Playing the Game:

  1. Ensure that once your game has commenced, you do not leave your seat without the permission of your respective Arbiter.

  2. Ensure that you do not view any other games or leave the tab while your game is in progress.

  3. Ensure that you do not have any piece of technology on your person other than your primary laptop.

  4. Ensure that if you have any problems or questions during your game, please raise your hand and call the attention over of your respective Arbiter. For example, this is inclusive of:

                1. Needing to go to the toilet;

                2. Internet connection difficulties; or

                3. Game difficulties.

This is not inclusive of trying to take-back moves to amend for a mis-click.

When your Game is Completed:

  1. Ensure that before leaving your seat, you raise your hand, call over your respective Arbiter and inform them of your result.

  2. The Team Captain/ Coordinator must submit the name of the 4 players at least 15 minutes before the commencement of the next round. Failure to submit the names on time, the default team of Board 1, Board 2, Board 3, Board 4 will be used.

  3. Ensure that you are back in your place and have completed the prescribed steps 10 minutes prior to the scheduled commencement of the next round.


  1. Any cheating will result in a team-wide full-point forfeit as well as a report sent to the cheater's School and respective Chess association.

  2. Cheating is described as the use of any outside assistance or providing any unwanted outside assistance.

  3. Any cheating in any State or Territory must be immediately reported to Hughston Parle and Peter Tsai.