
          2020年9月2日正式開播,每隔週三上架新節目,有時特調一杯文學的優雅午茶、有時冰滴一杯哲學的醒腦咖啡、有時溫一杯經學釀的醇酒,為生活帶入人文風。透過文哲所網站的連結點、Sound on聲浪或 Apple Podcasts等平台,都可以與我們空中相聚,一起遨遊人文風,一起瘋人文。

Humanities is a bag of fun. Tune in Humanities on the Air every Wednesday and join research fellows from the Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy, Academia Sinica, for podcast programs on literature, philosophy, and Chinese Classical Studies. Simply download Apple Podcasts or SoundOn to your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch. Enjoy a Platonian morning brew or have a Li Po flavored afternoon. Don't miss out on the chance to ease into a glass of Chinese Classics, too!

EP  00   

「人文來風」正式上線 !

講者  胡曉真

