Sandhill Crane            

Bicycle Tour

Grand Island, Nebraska  - March 23

Our ride will start at 10 AM    Sign up below  

"Sandhill cranes and bicycles are two seemingly unrelated things, but they actually have a lot in common. Both are symbols of freedom and movement, and both can be enjoyed in the great outdoors.

Sandhill cranes are large, graceful birds that are known for their long migrations. They can travel up to 2,500 miles in a single journey, and they are often seen as symbols of hope and perseverance.

Bicycles are simple machines that allow us to explore the world under our own power. They are a great way to get exercise, enjoy the fresh air, and connect with our communities. 

One of the best places to see sandhill cranes is in Grand Island, Nebraska. Every spring, over half a million cranes gather along the Platte River to rest and feed before continuing their migration north. The cranes are a popular tourist attraction, and there are many opportunities to see them up close. 

One of the best ways to experience the sandhill crane migration is by bike. There are many roads that wind through the river valley, and you can often see cranes right from the road. Biking is a great way to cover a lot of ground and see as many cranes as possible."  (According to Bard)

Our ride started in 2018 with six bicylists and has grown every year since.  The weather, it's never certain, but the Sandhill Crane migration in March has been happening for thousands of years.   Witness over half a million Sandhill Cranes dance across the sky as you bike through scenic landscapes.  Each year a few more interested cyclists join us to ride and see this amazing migration.  

The ride is partnered with Visit Grand Island, Stuhr Musuem and Crane Trust Visitor Center.  There's links for these organizations on the Link Tab  With many opportunities in Grand Island to experience,  our partners are excited to be a part of the Sandhill Crane Bicyle Tour   

Use the tabs above for more information (or from the menu on the upper left side if using your mobile device)   Downloadable routes are available under the "description" tab and under the "links" tab.   

As always, there's no fees or registration to ride.  on March 23rd, 2024, just bring your bike (and a helmet) and take a ride to see the Sandhill Crane Migration.    

New for 2024 - We'll have a family ride on Stuhr's grounds.  This route will take families for a tour of Railroad Town  and back to the main building.  This is a mixed surface road (some blacktop and some graded gravel roads)   We'll have a guide to share some facts about the Sandhill Cranes and the prairie pioneers.  Completing the whole route will take families on a 2.4 mile journey. 


Here's a link to our Facebook event page:



You can also search Sandhill Crane Bicycle Tour and find our Facebook page  

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