Concurrent Session III

Forging a Strong Foundation: Selling the Vision and Establishing Community at the Start of a Brand New Class

Room 103

Deidre Yancey, Durham Technical Community College

New and seasoned instructors alike know the importance of the first day. What an instructor does or doesn’t do during that first class meeting sets the tenor for how students will both perceive – and engage in – the class going forward. A few strategic activities can ensure that the most shy, nervous, or even skeptical students leave the first day of class feeling excited, energized, and eager to return. Whether you consider yourself to be naturally engaging, or struggle to command a room, this session will discuss, demonstrate, and model key components of building rapport and establishing student buy-in, all on the first day of class.

Plant the Seeds Early: ACA 111 - Skills, Tools, and Connections for Early College Students

Room 111

Fae Goodman and Nick Testa, Central Carolina Community College

Here at CCCC, students at our three Early Colleges begin college work earlier than traditional students. ACA111 is our engine for early intervention that prepares these young students to be successful in college level coursework. In this class, we take high school freshmen and introduce them to the soft skills, technology, college services and people they’ll need to achieve their goal: an associates degree. In this workshop, we’ll share a model for ACA111 that supports and encourages our population as they grow into engaged and prepared dual-enrollment students.

UT Advising in the Classroom: A Cross College Collaboration Approach

Room 112

Katie Wicker, Jena Bogovich, and Sara Jones, Wake Technical Community College

Prospective college transfer students have a lot to learn about the transfer process. Both Academic Advisors and ACA 122 instructors assist students in navigating this process, so it only seems appropriate that they work together to build programming that supports student transfer success. In order to share their cross college collaboration efforts, presenters will describe their strategies for building advisor-advisee relationships without having an assigned caseload, while simultaneously generating discussion on incorporating active learning strategies, proactive advising, and developmental advising within ACA 122 classrooms.

Sponsor Session: Hayden-McNeil Publishing

Room 113

Sponsor Session: Western Governors University

Room 102