Concurrent Session I

Balancing Academic Rigor with Success in ACA Courses

Room 112

Nancy M. Risch and Tracy Crump, Caldwell Community College and Technical Institute

How many of you have heard, “It’s just an ACA class”? ACA courses certainly have the perception of being “easy” courses. But how easy is too easy? What level of academic rigor should we expect of ACA students? The presenters will discuss the assignments used in their ACA courses and how they help students succeed while meeting clear expectations of academic and career planning and research. The presenters will share their best practices and offer time for participants to share their experiences as well.

Challenge 2025: Follow-Up Rountable

Room 103

Dave Urso, Dynamic Consulting

This session is a roundtable session designed to allow further exploration of the topics presented during the keynote presentation. Conversation will be free flowing and intended to look for ways to apply what was discussed into our work back at our home institutions.

Integrating Community Engagement into ACA 122

Room 201

Erin Riney, Durham Technical Community College

Both first-year experience courses and service-learning are considered high-impact practices, and combining the two can create a sense of belonging within both the academic and social communities new students navigate at their institutions. As Tinto and others have theorized, students’ integration into both curricular and social activities are critical to student retention and success. Learn how one school has attempted this integration through service-learning in ACA 122 and a volunteer project designed for first-year students. Discussion will also include data and ideas for scaling such projects at colleges with small or nonexistent community engagement offices.

Spicing up the College Classroom

Room 111

Cathleen DiDonato, and Christina Migielicz, Wake Technical Community College

"Spicing things up" every 10-15 minutes can increase student attentiveness and information retention. You will leave this session with several tools and strategies you can easily implement in your own college classroom. We all love the spice of consider adding a dash to your teaching!

Sponsor Session: LibreText

Room 113