
To show to our audience that we are a reliable source, we attended posted updates and results from events. We live tweeted, made pre/post game interviews and posted photo and video updates throughout different events so that our viewers always had the updates if they were unable to attend. It was important to get coverage of sports, clubs, student life, and academics to prove to our community that all would be covered in the yearbook at the end of the school year.

Live Tweets During Events

DECA State Results

Anthony attended the Colorado DECA State Conference covering the event for the yearbook. While there, Anthony took photos with his camera and cell phone while live tweeting the results since the announcement was during school hours.

Rivalry Basketball Game at the Pepsi Center

Our Girls and Boys Basketball teams faced our rivals, Prairie View High School at the Pepsi Center. This is where the Denver Nuggets plays basketball. It was during a school day so students were excused for the last half of the day to attend the game downtown. If they did not, then the community could follow along to our our live tweets. We use the live tweets to also help us build coverage within our yearbook pages.

Football Game against Broomfield

Live Tweet Videos

Football Game against Prairie View


Pre/Post Photos

First Day of School

CHSAA Softball State

Volleyball Games