Southeast Organic Seed Summit

Durham, NC

November 1st - 3rd, 2019


This summit will be a chance for current and potential seed growers, organic seed companies, and allies, to come together, learn from each other, and develop long term strategies and collective actions to build seed systems in the Southeast.


Friday morning, November 1st – Sunday morning, November 3rd 2019


The Southeast Seed Summit will be held in conjunction with the Carolina Farm Stewardship Association's Sustainable Agriculture Conference (SAC). Click here for overall SAC information.

Both the Southeast Seed Summit and the Sustainable Agriculture Conference will be held at the

Sheraton Imperial Hotel & Convention Center

4700 Emperor Boulevard, Durham, NC, 27703


To register for the summit, click here to go to the CFSA Sustainable Agriculture Conference registration page. Select both the Friday seed intensive and either the Saturday and Sunday "everything pass", the workshop pass, or -- if appropriate -- the student / apprentice pass.

Limited scholarships are available. Funding from Southern SARE and donors allows us to provide scholarships for some attendees, with a priority for farmers and financially limited or socially disadvantaged attendees. Click the link below to apply for a scholarship.

Scholarship link:

Scholarships have all been awarded. Thank you to SSARE and individual donors for making it possible.

For more information about the accommodations, see Accommodations below.

Getting Ready

The Southeast Seed Summit is a shared space to learn from each other, strengthen connections, and develop long-term strategies and collective actions to build regional seed systems in the Southeast.

The success of the summit will come in part from what we bring to it. Each of us has things to contribute.

Here are three things to do to get ready for the summit


The Summit begins Friday at 8:30 a.m. and goes through to Sunday morning. The schedule is still being finalized but will include:

Information sharing sessions between seed producers, seed companies, breeders, and other stakeholders on topics such as production techniques, business planning, and breeding.

Cooperative planning for shared needs.

Networking between participants to help find opportunities for collaboration.

Here is a link to the draft agenda. This will be updated with more details as we get closer to the summit date.


If you selected the "Everything Pass" during registration or if you are a scholarship recipient, breakfast, lunch and dinner will be provided as part of the event, from Friday lunch through Sunday breakfast. If you have any food restrictions or allergies, please indicate them when registering.


Sheraton Imperial Hotel & Convention Center

4700 Emperor Boulevard, Durham, NC, 27703

When booking a room, use the discount code "Carolina Farm Stewardship Association" to get the room block rate of $108/night. Click here for details.

To find fellow attendees to share a room or a ride with, click here to go the the CFSA Ride and Room Share page.


If you have any questions or want more information, contact Jared Zystro at or 707-502-9984