Greetings Brothers and Masonic Family As we have endured the Storms of February and make a speedy march through March and fast approach April .

There seems to never enough time to accomplish all that we would like to. If any of you are like me there are far more things on my plate than I have time to accomplish or if so do well. Managing our time is or can be a challenge for some of us. Finding time for attending lodge, lodge education and other Masonic activities can get cramped in our daily schedules and busy lives and finding a good balance can be tricky.

The twenty four inch gauge is a good start though I might like one with two hundred and forty inches from time to time. An important thing to remember is as a Mason you are one not just one when lodge is called to order our actions call us to the usage of the working tools not only when the Master or Wardens or DDGM is watching. Our daily lives are filled with opportunities to put our working tools to use. Being a good neighbor or a good citizen are all part of being a Mason.

We as Masons should be ever either seeking or working to improve our selves as men and Masons . The how will differ for each of us as we are all unique. Yet finding time to be be in the company of good men and brothers is a step toward better knowledge and application of our working tools . We each have duties, responsibilities, work, family, obligations to our creator, and it is my belief that we can be better men at doing those things if we also set aside a measure of time to gather and work as Masons.

That said hope you find time to make it out to lodge or one of the other gatherings, like crash a pub or the WM Jim's Motley Crew road trip adventures visiting another lodge.

John Brooks

Junior Warden