Well, Brothers,

March is here, which means that the February snow storms are over. Yet to come though, are a couple of events that bear watching. # 1, the yet to be announced CRASH A PUB for the first quarter of 2019. With WB Tom Jones' being with his wife Teri through her radiation treatments, he has not had the time to look for a suitable facility with a full bar and menu. Brother Turtle his co-chairman, has undergone surgery and is undergoing what he calls “medieval” stretching therapy. So, he has been somewhat indisposed and will need some assistance to find a PUB TO CRASH.

#2, we have found a way to enable 2 brothers, other than officers to be able attend the Leadership Retreat held in Casa Grande the last weekend in March at little cost to themselves. One of these brothers is one of our newest Master Masons. The other brother is one who has shown a renewed interest. One of the best ways really take advantage of this retreat is for Brothers Harkey and Muhr to mingle with brothers from other lodges, as WB Brooks and myself will be doing. Walking around and introducing yourself at break time and listening to what these little groups are discussing is a great way to increase your knowledge. Expect both of these brothers to give a report at the April stated meeting.

For we Irish, the Knife and Fork Degree Team will be serving an old Irish dish at the March stated meeting. No, according my sources, it will be Irish Stew and not Corned Beef and Cabbage.