
Eco-Art Display

Stop by and see our Eco-Art display on the campus Promenade

Alexa Russo, UW Bothell's Sustainability Student Assistant believes that one of the most meaningful ways to inspire action is through art. With this in mind, Alexa created a bottle art project with which to display during Earth Week. The purpose behind this Eco-Art display is to empower and educate the campus community on the impacts that our actions have on the environment.

Plastic bottle Eco-Art project

Plastic bottles were collected from the waste stream on campus, where students took to building a 12 foot sculpture to be displayed during Earth Week. The base is made out of fallen branches from the UW Bothell Corporation Yard, and the branches were attached to create the frame of the tree. Then, the plastic bottles were attached to the frame, representing the needles of a deciduous tree.