Detachment D

Det D Photo Section Summer 1967, photo provided by Carter Huff
Nha Trang Unit Patch
Det D Summer 1967, photo provided by Carter Huff
Det D Operations area, photo provided by Bruce Brown

by Pat Carne

One thing – as I have dwelt on it some – I do not know who designed the 45th and later the Det D patch – one of the more artful guys but I do know for a fact that I wrote up the line that described it. I sent a patch and the description to Tymchak and he loved it. That’s what caused all the detachments to end up with a separate patch. I found a copy of the original description that one of the guys scripted out on a Leroy set in the unique Ft. Holabird style. Ah, what we did before computers!

"Delta Detachment’s crest is designed to describe in graphic detail, the mission and capability of this unit. The American eagle represents the great and powerful United States and at the same time embodies the role of the United States Air Force reconnaissance effort. The three rays that emanate from the eye of the eagle represent both the all seeing eye of the camera and the three functions of the unit: reproduction, interpretation and dissemination. The graphic representation of the Republic of Vietnam emblazoned upon a white background symbolizes a map, the basic tool of our trade. All of this is mounted upon a field of Oriental blue which depicts both the sky in which the eagle flies and the Army Intelligence and Security Branch."

I was a real bullshit artist in my day. I have racked my feeble brain trying to remember the name of the man who drew/designed the patch but I cannot.