
1ST Altian Army

1st aLTIAN Army roster

This document includes all of our squads and placements of current units within a assigned squad.



Frost 1-3(INF)

Frost 1-3 is the second infantry squad made in the Altian Army, and currently consists of a mix of OG players and new recruits. This team operates on the ground as a infantry squad, bringing them close with Crusader 1-2 in the majority of operations and missions.

The CO of frost is CPT. Lee

Bishop 2-2 (INF)

Bishop 2-2 is the newest squad in the Altian Army, and is still in development. At this time Altian recruits are placed into Bishop 2-2, unless they wish to join Greyhound 1-4 or stay as a recruit and wait for another position. Bishop 2-2 is the third infantry section in the Altian Army, and completes logistical operations for other squads in the Altian Army.

This squad is also the first squad in the second platoon of the Altian Army, making it a strong milestone for the unit.

The CO of this platoon is CPT. Lee

Crusader 1-2(INF)

Crusader 1-1 is the original and first squad ever made in the Altian army, with some of the most OG personnel in the unit. This team commonly works along side Frost 1-3 to complete missions and tasks in the AO.

The CO of this squad is CPT. Lee

Valkyrie 1-5 (AF)

Valkyrie 1-5 is our first and currently our only air squadron in the unit. They do joint operation missions working closely with the ground forces to take out a combined force of mostly NATO and the remnants of the FIA.

The squadron CO is CPT. Lee who oversees air operations in the Altian Army.

Greyhound 1-4 (Armour Company)

Greyhound 1-4 is currently our one and only Armour company, who are a group of specialist soldiers in the Altian Army that undertake long training in order to perform tactical armoured operations.

The CO of Greyhound is CPT. Lee