Discarded Items Portaiture

Eian Kantor

Eian Kantor is an New York photographer whose work on conveying his subjects in their most natural form portrayed through several of his collection titled ‘Found sculptures’ and ‘(don’t)look down: 512 discarded cigarette boxes’.But i will be focusing on his (don't) look down portraits. (Don't) look down: 512 discarded cigarette boxes is a study of cigarette boxes that have been abandoned. This project was shot from March-June 2017 during lunch breaks and/or times he felt that I needed to get away from looking at a computer screen . These images were taken in Park Slope and Gowanus, Brooklyn (with a select few in other Brooklyn neighborhoods and Manhattan).

From internet : In this picture i can observe that a cigarette box is not in particular order .The boxes were shot exactly as found. HE did not throw the boxes away after shooting them . There is no rhyme or reason to the amount of boxes of each brand. He did not seek out particular boxes. He shot any boxes that  happened to come across, which in turn happened to be a disproportionate number of Newport boxes.All the boxes seems naturalistic . The sun light is coming from above so that it will reflect the shadow on the snow. The message that he is communicating is that something that may be abandoned and not used anymore can be used for art. It is about showing the beauty of old things or neglected things. He communicates this by letting the viewer to think and allow them to decide what he is communicating. 


My Understanding : I can see a newport cigarette box. coverded with snow .It is crumble . The sunlight is  making shadow of it on the snow. It seems that somebody has crumble it brutely.  The sea blue  colour of cigarette box is giving a good contrast with white colour.

From Internet : EIAN KANTOR  is inspired by what he sees around him and objects that tell a story particularly items people don’t look at or tend to walk straight past. There are many different reason why he picked discarded items, one of the reason is that he think all the objects people discarded why are they discarding them is there nomore need for them. When I he  decide to pick discard items he  thought it would be a really interesting topic. When he was thinking what should he do for my final piece he was thinking what do he always see when he walking down the road on the floor and he was always seeing plastic bottles and cans. 

My Understanding : In this i can see  a plastic polythene lying in the sand covered all over. There are some small wooden straws  covered in the sand . Very tiny sand dunes can be seen .  A lots of stones & pebbles are also there . The sunlight is coming from above it seem that its very hot there. It may be any desert pr park view. THE Polythene seems to be rip up . its very naturalistiv view.



My idea is to portaiture dicarded items  around the school.


   WWW.EBI In these pictures the best thing i can see is taking photos from accurate angle.  The nature contrasting with discarded items is giving a photographic look . In picture where there is a bottle crown cap where sunlight is coming from upside the leafs,soil and the crown cap is giving such a  calm view. The only thing which seems wrong is that wrapper which is touching frame it doesn't look realistic . It is giving a outlook view in the picture.


 From 2nd photo shoot i have selected 3 pictures which i think is best for my project . As you can see the color ,brightness,vibration ,contrast, In it . I used brightness to make it more realistic . Add some colors to look more vibrant . Giving picture a more natural look. The combination of nature and discarded items is like sea and fishes . The saturation level which i used is amazing.  By seeing all the pictures only one word is coming that how beautiful the nature is  . 

My role modal for this project is EIAN KANTOR .  My subject for the project is discarded items . I choose this theme because i want to show things naturally as they are . These all photographs are  dedicated to my role modal ...Selecting  these 3 pictures is a very tricky decision for me .I do my best to edit these pictures.



In my 3 shoot i have used macro lens to click  images . So that we can have a clear and visible view of the obeject . In my 3 shoot i have mainly clicked images of pen , pencils . As my chosen project is discarded items. So by keeping in  mind that theme i have clicked these images for my 3 shoot .    


BEFORE                                              AFTER