Rankin is a British portrait and fashion photographer .Born in 1966.  He's also known for his project called DESTROY PROJECT . He studied accounting but he dropped out it later and started studying photography at London College Of Printing . Rankin have portraiture some famous names like -Michael Jackson, Bjork Kate Moss, Madonna, David Bowie and Queen Elizabeth II. 

What is destroy project ?

Rankin asked 70 musicians and visual artists to destroy their own portrait photographs originally taken by Rankin. The series of portrait photographs were radically modified to destroy the image by their subjects. The destroyed images are so strong that for the majority of images you can still recognise the individual. 

This image is an example of RANKIN  Destroy Project . Rankin “destroy” project was a charity fund raising project. Rankin asked 70 musicians and visual artists to destroy their own portrait photographs originally taken by Rankin.

The image before destroying was completely black and white . But after destroying the image it turned out to be colorful with some red,white,black colors. And it also looks so bright after that . The Bike Tyre on the face looks so amazing . It's looking like someone has just explode his feelings on the image .The face with white creamy color paint is giving more sarcastic look. 

In this image he has firstly tear the image into 4 different parts and then sewed it perfectly . This is actually a very drastic idea of destroying an image . The image look more brighter and shiny after it. The shiny glossy red lips and the shine of golden blonde hair are looking fabulous . The feeling i get by seeing this image is like she has so much patience level. The relaxing face of her ,no tension just peacefulness.

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