Newspeak Glossary 


Translation: Crimestop

Explanation: The power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one's mind simultaneously and accepting both of them.


Translation: Ownlife

Explanation: Any form of thinking that is not in line with the principles of the Party.

Ministry of Truth:

Translation: Minitrue

Explanation: The government department responsible for propaganda, altering historical records, and rewriting news.

Big Brother:

Translation: BB

Explanation: The Party leader, an omnipresent figure watching over citizens through telescreens.


Translation: Oldspeak

Explanation: The language created by the Party to diminish the range of thought.


Translation: Tele

Explanation: A device installed in every home, broadcasting Party propaganda and monitoring citizens.

Memory Hole:

Translation: Unperson

Explanation: A system for altering or erasing inconvenient historical documents, photographs, and articles.


Translation: Pornosec

Explanation: The Party's production of trashy, mindless entertainment for the proletariat.

Hate Week:

Translation: Week of Hate

Explanation: A recurring event designed to increase loyalty and hatred towards the Party's enemies.

Room 101:

Translation: R101

Explanation: A torture chamber in the Ministry of Love, used to break the will of prisoners.


Translation: Unbellyfeel

Explanation: Holding beliefs contrary to the Party's ideology.


Translation: Doubleplusgood

Explanation: An exaggerated way of saying something is excellent or outstanding according to Party standards.


Translation: Falsespeak

Explanation: Showing any expression that reveals one's true feelings or thoughts, punishable by the Thought Police.


Translation: Hatecamp

Explanation: Forced labor camps where dissenters are sent for reeducation and punishment.


Translation: Quackquack

Explanation: Mindlessly repeating Party slogans or propaganda without thinking.


Translation: Dayorder

Explanation: Official announcements and orders issued by the Party.


Explanation: Being killed and completely eliminated from existence by the Party