Organization of Brothers

18th and 54th Aviation Company Otternest Association 

There are NO Annual Fees ~ No $$$

ALSO:    See the 'HISTORY' Sub-Folder  below 'Organization' above

This Organization is an Association of Unit Members, their wives, and their family members.  There are no mandatory annual dues or fees.  We just want and hope to connect you with your old unit friends and maybe introduce you to a few fellow unit members who shared a common military experiences in their young years a land far, far way.

The Association By-Laws (below)

18-54 Assoc BY-LAWS.pdf


The Association has a managing Executive Board.  It is made up of volunteers to serve.  They are:

2016 ~ 18th & 54th Aviation Co Reunion ~ Washington DC (Sheraton Hotel ~ Arlington, VA)

Men from the 18th Aviation Co's ~ 3rd Platoon - at Nha Trang Airport, Vietnam 1969

Come Join Us This Year
