Each section will contain information on the assigned UNIT for the week or weeks and details of the scheduled learning activities. You can also download a copy of the course syllabus here.


Introduction to the course

Unit 7: There are too many stores.

-Introduction to the course

-Getting to know each other

- Study vocabulary about cloth items and practice listening and pronunciation.

- Discuss about prices and styles

- Listen to the conversation and practice the conversation in pairs.

At the end of the lessons students will be able to

- distinguish the difference in meaning of words;

- understand specific information in conversation;

- Class/Group Discussion

- Exercises

- Individual, pairs, and group work

- Complete the task with the correct answer


Unit 7: There are too many stores.

- Study grammar about count nouns and adjectives (too/ not enough; too many/ too much) then do the grammar exercise.

- Reading the passage then doing the exercises.

- Practice listening about shopping and interviews.

- Speaking about shopping experience via the game.

At the end of the lessons students will be able to

- use adjectives about shopping appropriately;

- understand specific information from listening the audio;

- understand the text by;

- identify and give the information from listening;

- Class/Group Discussion

- Exercises

- Individual, pairs, and group work

- Complete the task with the correct answer


Unit 8: Wanted: People who can sing

- Study vocabulary about people description and practice listening and pronunciation.

- Listen to the conversation and practice the conversation in pairs then use the different ideas to make the similar conversation.

- Study grammar about ‘Relative Clauses’ and do the exercise.

- Pronounce the word stress and content words

At the end of the lessons students will be able to

- distinguish the difference in meaning of words;

- use the right adjectives to describe the people.

- understand specific information in conversation and use ideas to make the conversation;

- use ‘Relative Clauses Form ‘appropriately;

- Class/Group Discussion

- Exercises

- Individual, pairs, and group work

- Complete the task with the correct answer


Speaking Test I (5 points)


Unit 8: Wanted: People who can sing

- Read them message on a house-sitter’s website and find the adjectives.

- Listen to the voicemail messages and phone calls then do the exercises.

- Skim the paragraphs and do the exercise.

- Write a paragraph with important qualities.

At the end of the lessons students will be able to

- scan the text to understand the gist and identify its purpose;

- identify the information from listening;

- understand specific information from reading;

- write the paragraph using relative clause;

- Class/Group Discussion

- Exercises

- Individual, pairs, and group work

- Complete the task with the correct answer


Unit 9: What were you doing?

- Study vocabulary about injuries then practice pronunciation and do listening exercises.

- Listen to conversations and practice conversations in pairs.

- Study grammar about Past Continuous then do the exercise.

- Pronounce the linked sounds with /y/.

At the end of the lessons students will be able to

- distinguish the difference in meaning of words;

- understand descriptions of accidents from conversation;

- use Past Continuous appropriately;

- Class/Group Discussion

- Exercises

- Individual, pairs, and group work

- Complete the task with the correct answer


Unit 9: What were you doing?

- Listen about accidents then do the exercise using context clues.

- Read an article then do the exercises.

- Write a paragraph about oneself from the given questions.

At the end of the lessons students will be able to

- listen to the text to understand the gist and identify its purpose;

- understand the dramatic event;

- write the information and present to others.

- Class/Group Discussion

- Exercises

- Individual, pairs, and group work

- Complete the task with the correct answer


Speaking Test II (5 points)


Unit 10: I used to sing.

- Study vocabulary about school activities and clubs then do the exercise.

- Listen to conversations and practice conversations in pairs.

- Study grammar about ‘used to’ then do the exercise.

- Pronounce linking and vowel reduction in ‘used to’.

At the end of the lessons students will be able to

- distinguish the difference in meaning of words;

- understand specific information in conversation;

- use ‘used to’ appropriately;

- Class/Group Discussion

- Exercises

- Individual, pairs, and group work

- Complete the task with the correct answer


Unit 10: I used to sing.

- Listen to the family history then do the exercises.

-Read an article then answer the questions.

-Write the information about the past activities.

At the end of the lessons students will be able to

- understand the information from listening;

- understand a short biography about a famous person;

- write the paragraph by using the clues.

- Class/Group Discussion

- Exercises

- Individual, pairs, and group work

- Complete the task with the correct answer


Unit 11: You’ll save money if…

- Study vocabulary about items in the coffee shop and practice pronunciation.

- Listen to the conversation and practice in pair then make the similar one.

- Study grammar about zero and the first conditionals correctly.

- Pronounce the word stress in conditional sentences.

At the end of the lessons students will be able to

- distinguish the difference in meaning of words;

- understand specific information in conversation;

- use the zero and the first conditionals appropriately;

- Class/Group Discussion

- Exercises

- Individual, pairs, and group work

- Complete the task with the correct answer


Unit 11: You’ll save money if…

- Listen to the interview about the plastic then do the exercises.

- Read the article about the environment then summarize the text.

- Find out a green project in the town.

At the end of the lessons students will be able to

- understand the talk about plastic and summarize it;

- understand the article and identify the information;

- understand specific information from the given questions;

- Class/Group Discussion

- Exercises

- Individual, pairs, and group work

- Complete the task with the correct answer


Unit 12: You could be a lifeguard.

- Study vocabulary about occupations then do the exercise.

- Listen to the conversation and practice conversations in pairs.

- Study grammar about modals for possibility, speculation and deduction then do the exercise.

- Listen to the article about the careers and studying abroad then do the exercises.

- Read the passages about volunteering on vacation’ and answer the questions.

At the end of the lessons students will be able to

- distinguish the difference in meaning of words;

- understand specific information in conversation;

- use about modals for possibility, speculation and deduction appropriately;

- understand specific information from reading passages.

- Class/Group Discussion

- Exercises

- Individual, pairs, and group work

- Complete the task with the correct answer


Speaking Test III (5 points)

Listening assessment (10 points)

- Listen to specific details and answer the questions

Speaking Test III

Listening quiz


Activity performance (15 points)

- Give presentation based on any of these options:

1) Presentation provided in class by the teacher,

2) The Video projects assigned by the teachers for the students to participate.


Final Examination