- 80% mandatory class attendance;

- Students absent for more than 3 times will automatically get ‘F’ grade in the course;

- Cooperation and being considerate towards your teachers and classmates is a course requirement;

- Class disruption (i.e. chatting, social networking) may adversely affect the attendance score.

Speaking Assessment

- Speaking task 1: Interview (5 marks)- individual

Answering 5 questions relating to contents in unit 7, 8

- Speaking task 2: Interview (5 marks)- individual

Answering 5 questions relating to contents in unit 9, 10

- Speaking task 3: One-minute Speech (5 marks)- individual

Talking about your interests.

Presentation: Individual student or group of student presents about interesting topics – e.g. appearances, daily habits, interesting news, travel stories, and so on.

*Presentation criteria

- Time (3): Less than 1 minute 1

1 minute but not longer 1.30 minute 3

- Content (6): Confusing (not understandable) and not very interesting 1

Understandable and rather interesting 2

Good content and interesting 3

Very good and interesting content 6

- Confidence and Fluency (6): Shy and reluctant to speak/present 1

Not shy, but speak discontinuously 2

Speak confidently but not fluently 3

Speak confidently and fluently 6


Mr. Jaime Paster

Check Weekly Topics