2023 marks the 12th 12 Supreme Days of Christmas giveaway (#12SDOC)!  The event is my (and more importantly, the donating vendors / breeders) way of saying thank you right back to YOU- the community!

The 12 Supreme Days of Christmas focuses on promoting the vendors, their products and animals, and sharing this great event throughout social media to build awareness for the reptile community.

From year one, with a total gift value of @ $200 to last year where gifts totaling almost $ 20,000, the giveaway has been a special, exciting time for us as Supreme Gecko, for all those donating wonderful gifts, and hopefully to you as participants as well.

Note-  eligible for winners- participants residing within the US (excluding Hawaii and Alaska).

This is NOT just one gift being given away; this is DOZENS and DOZENS of gifts!!!!


While the event will 'live' on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, etc.,   this is the one page that will be the focus point for all communications-   (#12SDOC).

All giveaways and announcements will be done on the Supreme Gecko YouTube channel.


Giveaway  (12 days-  MANY gifts) Nov. 25 – Dec. 223 (there may include a pre and a post giveaway!)


Location – Participants must reside within the specific country specified per donation gift (US excluding Hawaii and Alaska).

Age –  No age limits.   Young hobbyists are ENCOURAGED to enter.

Multiple Entries- Multiple entries are allowed on some days and not others.  Please check each giveaway day for the exact rule.  If not specified, participants may enter multiple times… including across social media platforms (Instagram, Facebook, Youtube, TikTok)

HOWEVER!  If the requirement for one of the event’s days is to post a comment, and a participant posts one that does not add to the post (a simple thumbs up, ‘ok’, meme, etc.), per my discretion, the comment will be excluded.

# of Gifts You can win- Participants may win multiple days of the giveaway. There may be limitations each day though on the # of gifts that can be won by one person.



Selection of the recipients for each day may vary.  Most days, activity based entries will determine the winner from a random # generator.  Example-  Sharing a post on FB may earn 2 12SDOC points, liking a post in IG may earn 3 12SDOC points, etc.   The more points earned the better changes you have of winning the gift for that day.

However, some days may require you to post a picture/comment on one of my posts on  FB/IG/YT//TT etc.  From your post, I will select the ‘BEST’/my Favorite’ post.

Notifications- I’ll be creating a livestream video announcing the winner of each day of the giveaway (and announcing the specifics of the next day’s giveaway for YouTube.   Videos may be published on other social media platforms as well, but YT is the #1 source.

IMPORTANT-  As part of the giveaway A verification process will be used before contacting the donors.   All DONORS will wait for my confirmation and will not give out gifts based on recipients’ messages.

Winners MUST notify me within 2 weeks of their gift announcement.  After 2 weeks gifts will be added back into the available gift pool.

SPECIAL NOTE  Every day of the event,  some gifts will be given away during the livestream!    Make sure you attend the livestream and WATCH UNTIL THE END.


There are many gifts available through the event-  Mostly reptile related.   There will be animals   (and gift certificates to reptile / isopod breeders) included.

I will make sure all winners/donors for each gift are messaged as quickly as possible and gifts are sent out expeditiously.   Note- donors are responsible for all gifts promised before/during the giveaway.  I am not responsible if a donor cannot deliver a gift.  Also, if there is ANY issue with getting a gift, recipients are asked to contact me as soon as possible! In regard to animal shipment dates, it is always the agreed upon decision between the donor and the recipient on a delivery date and shipping method.  Realize, with winter temperatures, some animal shipments may not occur until warmer weather.

I will need contact information (Email/Address info (not PO Box)) for each winner.

NOTE!   There will be some gifts in the giveaway that may be local pickup only (SE Wisc). If you cannot physically pick up the gift, do not enter that day’s gift giveaway.   If you do enter and cannot pick up, do not expect the gift to be mailed to you.   The gift will be reentered into the giveaway for another chance to be won, and you will not be eligible for that or another gift.

NOTE!  Due to weather, some animal shipments may take some time to ship.  Winners should be patient and work with the donor/shipper to work out the best schedule- but ultimately, the donor knows their animals and shipping conditions best.

NOTE!  Winners of gifts involving animals should be aware of their state laws in shipping and keeping the gift animals before entering for that giveaway.


Everyone (including vendors and breeders are allowed to enter.  Donors, please don’t enter for YOUR gifts.

If there are any concerns on my part about the validity of a participant or their entries, their name will be pulled from the giveaway, no questions asked. Example-this is a fun giveaway. Please do not promote your animals or business unless you are a donor and are promoting your gift! Gift values are determined by the generosity of our wonderful donors. Any question about the value of gifts will result in removal from the giveaway.


This giveaway is of course sponsored by every vendor / breeder donating their wonderful gifts during the event.  Thank you so much each and every one of you!

During the event, messages to my accounts (Wally Kern or Supreme Gecko) on any social media platform may not be seen or responded to in a timely manner.  PLEASE, use the 12SDOC FB page to contact me with any questions, comments, or concerns about the event.