Donor Guidelines

The 12th 12 Supreme Days of Christmas giveaway is only a few days away- the event where Supreme Gecko, and you as a significant member of the reptile community, give back to our fans/supporters special gifts to promote the hobby.

Each year has seen significant growth in this event.  From the first year when I supplied all the free gifts, to last year where we had over $30,000 in gifts given away!

We are getting a HUGE response on Social Media to ‘specifically targeted’ reptile keepers!

For several days in December, I ask participants to complete simple tasks, like sharing a vendor's business link in Facebook to commenting how a business has helped them in their animal care, to be eligible for a random drawing for a gift.   These tasks help focus attention on yours, and others reptile businesses.  We also offer short interview session during the giveaway to further promote our donors’ businesses.

WHY  do we do this giveaway?   For two reasons- first, recognition of the great vendors in our hobby and second, to close out the year in a special way for the hobbyist by giving away wonderful reptile related gifts.  Oh, and because it is fun for me…. I guess that makes 3 reasons 🙂

Why should you participate- Because this has become an event people look forward to EVERY YEAR.  This is a great way to add additional exposure for your business/product through the social media avenues.  I will be focusing on special promotional activities (like featured videos and social media postings highlighting YOUR business) this year.

DONATE?  Would you be interested in contributing a gift or two to the event?    This can be gift certificates, reptile supplies (supply packages), or an animal (we will be including only a very small # of animal giveaways this year).

Let me know what you would like to provide to get in on the fun!   I hope you can get back to me as soon as possible but by the end of next week (11/10) at the latest (this helps me plan the event).


(1) The specific gift(s) being donate, value of each, total value (if more than one gift), images or links to webpage of gifts

(2) If you have not participated in the past-  Your name, business name, website, Social Media links (please give the URL), & logo

(3) Confirmation that you will pay all shipping costs

(4) Confirmation you will be able to share on social media posts, photos, anything else promoting your products and the event.  Note- the more EVERYONE shares, the bigger this event becomes and the more PR yours and everyone's business receives!

(5) Let me know if you would like to do a 2-3 minute pre-recorded video interview to promote your business that will air during the giveaways and announcements and other times during the event.  See example HERE-->     

Submit to: or through FB at Wally Kern



SHIPPING will be covered by donors.   If the item to be donated is cost prohibitive for shipping (example- enclosures), we can offer these gifts for local pickup only- but I’ll be selective on the # of 'local pickup' items in the giveaway.   If you absolutely cannot provide shipping, let me know and I may be able to compensate you for shipping (but my funds are limited too).  I will not be able to ship from our location.    Please be prepared to ship your items/animals upon notification of a winner.  Have all the supplies, permits, and knowledge about shipping ready.  All preparation and shipping costs are to be covered by the donor.

GIFT WINNER NOTIFICATIONDO NOT send out any gift until you get a message from me first.  I go through a long process to validate ALL winners.

DONOR PARTICIPATION-   We need your help.  During the event, I will be sharing How To Enter and Gift Drawing videos on social media.   To get as much exposure on this event (to benefit your business and others) we need you to share these posts when you can.  Use the hashtag #12SDOC

LAWS-  Please know and understand all laws concerning keeping/shipping animals in the state you are in and sending to.

*** Submission of this Donor Information does not guarantee donation approval. 

Here is a link to the Facebook page-

Here's a link to the new 12SDOC page!