Gift List - 2023

R & R Finds     Gift Value-   $ 149

6 Books  

Gift 1: "The Invisible in Plain Sight"    Value- $ 22

Gift 2: "Limousine Stories"     Value- $ 27

Gift 3: "Exposed Emotions: A Collection of Poetry"     Value- $ 29.50

Gift 4: "The Personal Journal of Trebor Ewots"      Value- $ 22.50

Gift 5: "A Step Into Reality: A Short Story Collection"      Value- $ 22

Gift 6: "The Doll Collection"      Value- $ 26

(each book is signed) (Each person will get to choose one of the books. Once the book is chosen, it is no longer available. Only one signed paperback copy of each book will be gifted. )

GIFT 1  "The Invisible in Plain Sight"   An author is without a story to write. He makes a drastic decision to live amongst the homeless during one of the harshest winters in history to find and tell the unheard stories of the undesirables who live on the streets of Chicago. Not knowing what to expect, Craig Mueller, discovers that the stories of the people who are detested, are unimaginable tragedies that nobody should have to survive. His adventures take him through a world of experience and open his mind to unexpected realities. It's these realities that compel him to write the true stories of the men and women who he comes to know and love. These are true stories and real experiences of those who have fallen and live on the streets, undesired, unwanted, and unseen. The Invisible in Plain Sight.

GIFT 2  "Limousine Stories"   An 18-year-old stumbles into a job. Little did he know that he fell into a career. Follow Lionel Richardson along in this epic tale of his journeys and experiences as a professional limousine driver and business owner. Ride along with him as he grows his business and family. Be there when he tells the good, the bad, and the ugly of driving a limousine.

GIFT 3  "Exposed Emotions: A Collection of Poetry"  A collection of my poetry. I have written these poems throughout my life. They are not necessarily addressed to me or about me, but they were what was on my mind at the time of writing them. Many of these poems are dedicated to the many lives that have crossed my path during my life thus far. These poems are delivered to you, so you can experience a little of what was on my mind at one time or another.

GIFT 4  "The Personal Journal of Trebor Ewots"   A young man starts a journal after his wife leaves him. He lays his life out in the pages of this journal as his emotions change while trying to move on and rebuild his life. Everything is exposed as he tries to fill the void that has taken residence in his life. Every raw experience and emotion felt is expressed as he shares his every thought with us. Nothing is held back as he shares the journey of his life and how he grows into the man he becomes.

GIFT 5  "A Step Into Reality: A Short Story Collection"   There are some stories that many people don't want to read because they don't want to face the atrocities of life. There are other stories that bring us laughter. Some stories give us insight of everyday life. There are some stories that only the writer understands, but the story just has to be shared with others. This is a collection of short stories that express every emotion imaginable, and is a sure way to read stories about situations and things you may have never been privy to before. These are stories that will make you understand all aspects of life.

GIFT 6  "The Doll Collection"   An unknown serial killer is on the loose. The whole nation trembles in panic as the disfigured bodies of victims are discovered around the country. When will the killer strike again? The serial killer has been named The Doll Collector. Every victim has been created into a doll with Xs stitched across each eye and a smile stitched across their mouths. Nobody knows if they will be safe. The bodies of both male and female victims have been created. Live in the mind of a serial killer creating a Doll Collection. Learn how each victim is chosen, and be there as each Doll is created. In this epic thriller you will feel every emotion, think every thought, and live the life of the killer with this point-of-view experience of a serial killer.