Gift List - 2023

20% OFF all labels when you order 20+

ExoticPetDecor    Gift Value - $175

GIFT 1 Description: 20 free labels and free shipping. These are hard laminated, water-resistant cards 3"x6" for vertebrates and 2.5"x6" for invertebrates. Use as enclosure labels, collector cards, turn into wall art, or use your creativity. I have over 2,500 labels ranging from #dartfrogs, #isopods, #reptiles, #amphibians, #birds, #SmallMammals, #fish, #mantis, #roaches, #spiders, #Scorpions, #snakes, etc. Not everything is displayed on my social media pages. Simply send me your list via Messenger and I'll send you digital proofs before printing. Free labels don't apply to customizations or labels I don’t already have. See details and examples on my Facebook page @exoticpetdecore  Est. $100

GIFT 2 Description: 10 free labels and free shipping. (Description same as above)  Estimated Value $50

GIFT 3 Description: 5 free labels and free shipping. (Description same as above) Estimate Value: $25

Label credit  Exoticpetdecor  )

Label credit  Exoticpetdecor