About Us

The 100 Nights of Remembrance is an organization made up of volunteers from all walks of life. Players range from business professionals to laborers, young and old, male or female, students to retirees, former military to active duty and many more. All have come together with a common goal which is to show respect and honor for all Americans who have sacrificed and served our country honorably in any branch of the United States Armed Forces.

The center of activity in recognizing this goal is the hallowed grounds of The NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE VETERANS CEMETERY located in Boscawen, New Hampshire.

At precisely 7:00 PM, every evening a bugler is available from Memorial Day through September 11th, a series of 24 solemn notes will flow through the air to honor the men and women resting on these sacred grounds. Those 24 notes, known as TAPS, are sounded by at least one member of The 100 Nights of Remembrance. Quite often another member will join in and play a very moving echo taps.

About The Program

The program started out as "An evening of Echo Taps" on Memorial Day 2006 when the Muchachos Drum and Bugle Corps sounded Taps in rounds at the 20 white granite monuments that surround the grand flag. That summer buglers sounded taps at 7pm about a dozen times. The 100 Nights of Remembrance was born on Memorial Day 2007 when the Drum Corps was joined by several other buglers for an opening ceremony that began them on their journey to sound Taps for 100 consecutive nights. We are proud to say that with the exception of 1 night (due to a scheduling conflict 2 buglers showed up on the same night then each thought the other was going to cover the other night) we accomplished that goal. The program then continued through the fall, winter and spring sounding TAPS every Sunday at 1:00 PM.

Some of the buglers are professional musicians, some are amateurs and some have learned to play a bugle or trumpet just to sound TAPS. We are always looking for people to participate and get involved.

The members of 100 Nights of Remembrance (our "Knights") extend an invitation to all brass players to join them any night through the summer. Check the calendar page to see if a bugler will sound taps on the night you'd like to visit the cemetery, or sign up and participate with them.

The NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE VETERANS CEMETERY is open to the public seven days a week. This can be a very interesting and educational visit especially to our young people. Walking through these grounds can be both peaceful and inspirational. Be sure to visit the Memorial Walk when you go.