Period 2: Classical Era

Buddhism developed in East India by a man named Siddartha Gautama who most people know as the Buddha now. Buddhism is based on The Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path. Buddhism is all about eliminating desire so it shouldn't surprise anyone that this religion usually results in less stressed and calmer people. Buddhism helps with mental health due to the meditating involved. The Eightfold path also teaches its follower's to live the right way through effort, concentration, understanding, thought, speech, action, and livelihood. The hard part of this religion is that eliminating desire is impossible for humans. Humans are not perfect it simply can't be done.

Hinduism was started in Northern India near the Indus river by Mahavir Jain. Jain got his inspiration from the Upanishads. Hindu's are non-violent and are vegetarian since all living thing's have a soul we should do them no harm. The positives of this religion is the second chance. Hindu's believe in reincarnation of the soul. So, if you mess up in one life you will get a chance to make up for it in the next life as a different being. But, the stressful part about this religion would be the karma and rebirth as well. The stress of being perfect could overwhelm someone due to someone thinking they could be "punished" in the next life because of the one they are living now. Also, the vegetarian aspect of this religion could be difficult for a solid amount of people.

Judaism got its start in Mesopotamia from a man named Abraham. It's based around the Torah and its core belief system is the 10 Commandments. Positives of Judaism involve the celebration of the Shabbat (day of rest), an equal view on women that had been started in ancient times when other religions were degrading women, and the plenty days of celebration which bring the religious community together such as Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, and many others. Some difficult things about Judaism though are the fastings they undertake throughout the year and the painful past that they have endured through persecutions and other anti-Jewish acts throughout history.

Christianity started in Judea by a man you may have heard of at some point named Jesus Christ. The sacred text of Christianity is the Bible and their core belief system is the same as Judaism, the 10 Commandments. Positives of Christianity are the ability to always be forgiven by God, the promise of an afterlife, and the celebration of Communion. Christianity has as well had a troubled past though. Christianity was responsible for the crusades and the Spanish Inquisition which were both tragic events that resulted in the killing of many innocent lives at the hands of Christians.

Islam was a religion that began in the Arabian Peninsula by a man named Muhammad. The sacred text of Islam is the Quran and the Quran is also the core belief system because they believe it is the unaltered and final revelation of God. They also follow the Five Pillars of Islam which are a big piece of Islamic faith as well. Islam follows most of the same principles of Christianity and Judaism, but the ways of worshipping are very different. Muslims must do a daily ritual prayer of faith five times a day, must fast during Ramadan, and they must make a journey to the holy city of Mecca at least once in their life time. Muslims also truly care for the poor. One of the Five Pillars of Islam asks the Islamic people to give to the poor and needy which is great. Islamic religion is very cool in the ways of worshipping, but the ways could be challenging for some people.

It is kind of weird, if you think about it, that all these religions developed around the same time at different locations throughout the world. So why now? Why then did these religions all develop. Well most developed in the same way and also fed off each other. In fact, Christianity's origin stems from Judaism. Also trade spread the ideas of religion and hope throughout the world. People around the world felt insignificant and small. These people needed a purpose essentially. Religion and things such as an afterlife, gave people a reason to live a good life and a purpose to strive for everyday throughout their lives.