AP World history

Review Website (B Period)

Why Study History?

We study history from hundreds and thousands of years ago to learn what could happen as a result of certain actions. History teaches us how to prevent certain mistakes such as revolutions or genocides from occurring again in our world today.

Why Study Geography?

A lot goes on in the world, and to fully asses the situations, we need to know where they are occurring. Unfortunately, many people in our society today can't identify basic countries, and see their connections to the problems in their world.

Key Ideas:

  • Period - First Things First
    • Early man, a nomadic people, traveled across the world, and started civilizations all over the world. These people made the transition to a pastoral, and a more or less civilized lifestyle. They introduced farming, domestication of plants animals, and the advent of new advancements in society, such as language, tools, and preforming arts.
  • Period - 2 Second-wave Civilizations in World History
    • Starting in 600 B.C.E., civilizations begin to grow at startling rates. The Persian people introduce Empires to the world, which will inspire many more to come. Civilizations begin to take over each other, and the fight for land causes new innovation in weapons and war strategy. Trade and war lead to cultural diffusion among cultures, including religions, ideas, and goods (weapons, food, etc.)
  • Period 3 - Global Trade
    • Major trade routes begin to take over the world as empires grow their wealth with ease through routes like the Silk Road in Asia. Empires expand rapidly through great wealth acquired through trade. Cultural diffusion of religion, concepts, and technology spread throughout the globe. Diseases are also spread causing one of the worst plagues to ever face the earth.
  • Period 4 - European Exploration and Impact
    • Europe is ravaged by the Black Death killing many which leads to a Renaissance that renews an interest in arts, literature, science, and learning. European trade starts to flourish with Asia, Africa, and the newly discovered Americas. Explorers from Europe begin to conquer and colonize with germs, guns, and steel. They plague the Americas with disease killing most of the Native American population. Europe begins to become the top world power while Asia is declining from their Golden Age.
  • Period 5 - The Age of Revolutions
    • Enlightenment ideas and thinkers influence revolutions and future revolts throughout the world. Innovative technology changes the way of life with the introduction of machines and factories. Our current society begins to take shape.
  • **Period 6 (short synopsis)**