T'was There A Cold Night

Victor Zane Stucker

T’was there a cold night

of now and sleet

the last warmer days

had accepted defeat

The snow whistled and glistened

all throughout the dark night

t’was no more there a sun

it had gone on its flight

Where the sun would have risen

there flew dark clouds of snow 

and they were not much different 

from what was below

 The river had frozen 

the pond was all ice 

and the great lake’s condition

was not at all right 

Where there was once a field 

there lay sheets of snow 

not one wished at the time 

t’were that where they would go 

Though it could not be seen

the clouds were not light 

the snow glistened and fell

powered by its might 

There was wind that was howling

there were trees that were bent

the storm had prevailed 

the weather had sent 

Then the storm went to stop

the wind lacked to blow

and the last falling snowflakes 

fell far down below

From the tops of the trees 

there came a small light

and more it kept growing

becoming more bright

The snow began to glisten 

touching in a magical way

meant to be the beginning

of a perfect winter day