Counselor Recommendations: If you need a counselor recommendation or a secondary school report, make sure you check in with your college counselor. You will need to turn in the Counselor Recommendation Form and meet with your counselor. Please notify your college counselor at least 2 weeks before your application is due in order to allow sufficient time to write the glowing recommendation that you deserve!

Teacher Recommendations: If you need a teacher recommendation please ask one or two core academic teachers who know you well and can attest to your positive academic reputation. Provide them with the appropriate forms and documentation and furthermore inform them about the processes they can expect when completing your college applications. Depending on whether you are using the Common Application or not, will determine the list of instructions that each teacher will need to follow. Teachers will need at least two weeks to write and submit a letter of recommendation on your behalf. It is your responsibility to provide teachers with the appropriate forms and instructions specific to each school you apply to. Provide your recommending teacher with the Teacher Recommendation Request Form. Make sure and make an electronic copy of the Teacher Recommendation document, fill it out, and either email to your teacher or print it off and give it to your teacher in person.

Important Notes:

  • Teachers receive numerous requests for recommendations each fall. Therefore it is extremely important that you provide your teachers with 2-3 weeks notice before your deadlines.

  • It is your responsibility to track the progress of these letters with your teachers!

  • If there is a specific teacher recommendation form required by the college, make sure you give this to your teacher as well.

  • Provide your teacher with a copy of your resume so that they can refer to your accomplishme