Happiness Hacks

Open a window somewhere in the world.. 

As a middle school student, what challenges do you face? What coping skills work for you in this season of your life?

Each video teaches useful mental health skills and includes an activity sheet you can use to practice these skills on your own.

How to Cope with Stress as a Student - Healthy Minds

Being in middle school isn't easy. These evidence-based resources teach a set of mental health skills that can help now and for the rest of your life.

Tips & Tricks for Coping & Reducing Stress


5 things you can see: Your hands, the sky, a plant on your colleague’s desk

4 things you can physically feel: Your feet on the ground, a ball, your friend’s hand

3 things you can hear: The wind blowing, children’s laughter, your breath

2 things you can smell: Fresh-cut grass, coffee, soap

1 thing you can taste: A mint, gum, the fresh air

Box Breathing: For square or box breathing is very simple to learn and practice. In fact, if you've ever noticed yourself inhaling and exhaling to the rhythm of a song, you're already familiar with this type of paced breathing. It goes like this:

Here are some more breathing exercises :) 

Animal cam 📽️