Cesis State Gymnasium is located in the eastern part of Latvia in the city of Cesis.

There are 370 students in the school from age 13 to 19 years and 40 teachers. School realizes basic and academic secondary education programmes. School offers a humanities profile and a mathematics and natural science profile.

The school has very good achievements in learning. The school has many traditions and thematic activities. After lessons students are able to attend such activities as choir and folk dance. By working in the project we want to give all our students a chance to develop their language and communication skills, their cultural understanding, motivate them and to establish personal contacts with students and teachers in European Union.

With the project we want to learn new innovation methods and get experience. The school has not yet any experience in the European Union projects.

The project will be managed by Informatics and English teachers with. In case these teachers leaves their work, the project will be continued by other English and Informatics teachers.

The school has a good experience how to motivate and work with gifted students. Some of the school’s teachers have got 1st place in the local competition of innovations in their work. These teachers can share their experience and best practice with teachers from partner schools.