Session 2

November 11, 12p AND 7p

Session 2 Notes (for both daytime and evening)

This is a running page of notes. Session 2 notes begin on page 3.

Resource Database: Please add resources and ideas for professional development/technical assistance.

Video Archive for Daytime Session

Video Archive for Evening Session

Next Steps

  • Add to the Resource Bank and technical assistance list.
  • Schedule one-on-one calls for December and January. We will meet as a virtual group again in early February. Hillary and I will send out a scheduling poll within the week.
    • In preparation for our one-on-one calls, brainstorm professional development and technical assistance needs based on your unique experiences and teaching environments. We will use these ideas to begin planning for our own teacher leader PD for the state, and we will aim for holding the virtual PD event in April 2020.
  • Check out the AE&L Conference site and consider submitting a proposal and/or attending. The deadline for conference proposals is Friday, November 15. The conference will be held in Harrisonburg from Wednesday, February 19 to Friday the 20th. The Thursday sessions will focus on instruction, and Friday will feature mini-institutes.

Monday, November 11, 12p OR 7p


  • Goals for Session 2: Teacher Competencies and PD offerings input
  • Debrief last week’s discussions and highlights of Session 1
    • What tools and strategies are you using to increase student motivation and retention? (Recap discussion from evening session 1)
    • New resource bank
  • Teacher self-assessment: responses, reactions (breakout rooms and then regroup)
    • Review 4 main categories
    • VALRC’s goal to align PD offerings to four main categories
    • What’s missing?
    • Aligning LINCS self-assessment with Observation tool (create a quick graphic to jump start this discussion - outline parts of each)
  • Hillary: updates on ELPS observation tool
  • Next session: specific needs of your locations/PD opportunities you participate in
  • (If time) NTI re-cap: important points for teachers to know: share resources (Kate will add to our resource database)
  • December session early in the month - then late January (we’ll set both dates)
