Biomath Seminar

Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics

Virginia Commonwealth University

Fall 2022 seminars will be on Fridays at 1pm. In-person meetings will take place in 4145 Harris Hall and all seminars will be accessible remotely.

Information about how to attend seminars remotely through zoom will be sent to seminar mailing list during the week of the talk. To be added to the e-mail list, please contact the organizers.

NOTE: There may be changes to the schedule, so please check back frequently for up-to-date information. Contact the organizers with any questions and for the link to join the seminars virtually.





Sep 2

No Seminar

Sep 9

No seminar


Sep 16

No seminar

Sep 30

Punit Gandhi

4145 Harris/Zoom

Oct 21

No Seminar

Nov 25

No seminar

Dec 16

No Seminar